Bad day with my Fitch engine.

  • skribnod
    Cuba city, Wisconsin
    Posts: 60

    In march I purchased a 1995 Stratos 278dc and 1999 evinrude fitch 150hp engine. The engine had been through a complete rebuild and electronics upgrade last july. I felt confident enough to make the purchase after seeing the reciept for the work done..$3208.00. After 10 trips to the water, the motor left loose again. One of the cylinders went down due to no oil. I just left the repair shop and they are scratching their heads wondering what went wrong. The computer shows no alarm codes or any codes for that matter. The cylinder was not getting oil and the line was not plugged. The oiler was working properly. The engine has a total of 105 hours on it and only 40 hours after the rebuild. Estimated repair cost for this one is right around $1700.00, plus the cost of the part that may have caused the problem. The diagnostic check showed the engine was run 11% of the time between 4000-5000 rpm and never over 5000 rpm. It showed 78% between 3000-4000 and 11% 1000-3000rpm. The engine was never abused according to the print out. Guess I should have ran away from the fitch like many others did. I wonder how much it cost to get a fitch to run for over 50 hours of use?

    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727

    Premix your gas and run forever?

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Junk it

    Everyone has problems with those POS

    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    I have heard of guys doing that. Sounds like a good idea.

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    sorry to hear that JR. I pre mix my gas on my 95 evinrude. The previous owner went through 2 oil pumps and never replaced it. For every 6 gallons put in a pint of oil ( 50 to 1). I’ve never had any problems and i run her pretty hard. Good Luck, Dan

    Cuba city, Wisconsin
    Posts: 60

    Thnx Dan. From what the mechanic said the problem was not with the oil injection but from something else. He said the engine has one injector that feeds all six cylinders. It appears to be a mystery until it is fully torn down and the crank inspected. The other 5 cylinders have even 105 pressure and look like new. He thought maybe there was a map issue with the computer that may have glitched. Another strange thing was there was no error codes on the computer, actually no codes whatsover showed up. He said they always have some erros throughout the cycles on a given day. The scarry thing is if I get it fixed , how long before it may happen again? I wouldn’t mind investing the money but I dont like throwing money away! The motor has had less then two tanks of gas ran through it since the rebuild…maybe a faulty rebuild?

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