Guides are a special breed of people. I don’t believe I could be one. Although they are being paid to direct you to fish they still can’t make them bite. And dealing with some of the personalities out there makes them saints. I’m sure they get folks on all ends of the spectrum. A couple of us hire guides a couple of times a year and make sure they have as much fun as we do. We know they have a tough job.
As for a beer or two, not a problem, however beyond that I expect folks to be wearing a pfd so that if and when they fall in I don’t have to dive in after them or look for a body. If they are really bad I can hold them under with a paddle.
I tend to end up fishing alone mainly because I take my fishing seriously and spend a lot of time on the water regardless of if the fish are biting or not and I enjoy it that way. I tend to shy away from inviting people to fish with me because I’m not sure what to expect. I’d enjoy sharing as many of my fishing trips as possible with almost anyone just to have company. Yes, that is an invitation. Life it too short for one person (myself and each of you) to learn all there is to learn about our favorite fish.
An exception is taking out young kids or young adults that have never fished. It is real easy to impress them and hook (pun intended) them on fishing. Their expectations are much lower and they often have more fun playing with all the colored plastics and a fish or two in the live well can keep them busy for hours.
As has already been tossed out I don’t ask or expect any payment since I was going anyway and if the other person has fun that is payment enough. On the flip side if I go out in someone else’s boat I generally feel obligated to at least offer launch fees, gas money, or buy the bait.