south of Cassville. Mushrooms and bird watching in mind.
The area is a state natural area developed a few years back. Not so much developed but protected from future expansion.
Three different warblers sited, the Yellow, Chestnut-sided and the water loving Prothonotary. After scouting the bottoms the trail then leads up into a huge, undisturbed valley. Big rock outcroppings, enormous trees with an old time farm foundation thrown in. Really cool stuff .
Hiked up to the tallest rock I could see, well worth the sweat loss. Drop dead beautiful view. After a few moments of taking it all in a lone, Rose breasted grossbeak landed just a few feet away and at eye level! Fairly common bird but the first one sited for me this year.
Hunting the steep bluff on the way back I did manage a few lbs. of morels. Big, fresh and yellow. Just thought I would share, hope you enjoy the pics