I have a Lowe back troller 17 it is 17’10” and I need a new trolling motor. What do you all suggest to work on the river here on pool 4? The one we have now is too small. Any input would be great. Thanks!
May 7, 2009 at 3:40 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Trolling motor advice needed!
I have a Lowe back troller 17 it is 17’10” and I need a new trolling motor. What do you all suggest to work on the river here on pool 4? The one we have now is too small. Any input would be great. Thanks!
Get as big of a TM as you can afford.
75 lbs of thrust or more should work in the river and allow you to fish in faster water, all day
The Dog
Tim, for our style of fishing on the river, you’re looking at a 24V system, at the very least, to give you power and long battery life in current.
I’d strongly consider a Terrova 80 if you’re an electric steer kinda guy, or the Minn Kota Fortrex 80 if you prefer cable steer. Shoot for a longer shaft, 52″ or 60″, to deal with a high bow and the potential for big wakes from cabin cruisers. Reviews on the new Fortrex motors have been very positive!
Dean and I run Terrova 101s (36 V system). I’ve always prefered electric steer for the flexibility of being able to control the bowmount from anywhere in the boat. For example, during last weekend’s FLW league event, I was controlling the Terrova from the transom as my partner and I pulled 3-ways/bait in the backchannel.
Don’t forget to give Wade at Jolly Ann Marine a shot for outstanding customer service, competitive pricing, free shipping and no sales tax outside of IA.
I would go with the 70 or 80 pound MinnKota Maxxim, leaning more towards the 80 (you can’t have too much trolling motor power). I went through 3 trolling motors before I found the one I like for my Nitro I got the Maxxim 80 with the universal sonar 2 and love it, not saying that I have not had problems with it but when it is working properly and I am on the water I love it. I tried the Power Drive and just couldn’t make the transition away from the cable steering. Hope this helps
I almost forgot to mention, make sure your getting one with at least 24 volts….
Yes 24V is a must. I am torn between cable and electric steering. I currently have es and have had cable. i think they both have their place. I also like the built in transducer and auto pilot I have now. So that eliminates some already.
Hey Tim something else I thought of when on the lake this afternoon. Make sure you get one with variable speed. Variable speed allows you to match the current speed or wind speed what ever the case may be to dial in the exact speed you need for your presentation or hold your position.
If you can go for a 101 pound it will allow you to fish in faster current than a 70 or 80 pound thrust…
Sorry, I was looking at your avatar and forgot what I was going to say
Sorry, I was looking at your avatar and forgot what I was going to say
We also need a zoom feature on that
I have a Lund Explorer 1675 with a Terrova 80. Fishing on the river with it is great. Plenty of thrust to move up stream. If you want to hover and jig set the motor speed to match the current set the auto pilot and fish. Put the remote steer on your wrist or rod and forget about being married to the foot pedal. Also the universal sonar is a must if you fish in rocky areas since the chance of knocking your sonar off the motor is eliminated.
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