Lakemaster 2009 Map Chips for the Mississippi R.

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Lakemaster GPS Map Chip Reviewed: 2009 Minnesota & 2009 Wisconsin

    Reviewed By: James Holst

    Lake / River: Mississippi River (Pools 2 – 10)

    Additional Information:

    My goal with this review is to update IDO members as to the scope of coverage and level of detail available for the Mississippi River on the newly released 2009 Lakemaster GPS Map Chips for Minnesota & Wisconsin. This review will focus on waters downstream of the Lock & Dam Installation #1 in St. Paul, MN. Waters upstream of Lock & Dam #1 will not be covered with this review.

    The three primary items that I will cover with this review will be:

    1) – where does Mississippi River coverage begin and end for each respective chip.

    2) – which pools are covered in hi-definition 1′ contours.

    3) – marking of wingdams and which chip(s) provide coverage.


    The 2009 Minnesota Chip from Lakemaster has excellent detail of the Mississippi River starting at Lock and Dam #1 in St. Paul, MN. The general shape of the river and attached backwaters and harbors are shown. Wingdam placement appears to be accurate with wingdams displayed starting approximately at the Holmen Field airport. I can attest to the high level of accuracy of wingdam placement in this area of Pool 2 from use of the 2008 Lakemaster chip last season.

    Lakemaster 2009 Minnesota Chip – Pool 2 @ Holmen Field Airport

    The 2009 Wisconsin Chip offers only basic detail of the Mississippi River starting at Lock & Dam #1 and the area is shown in this basic display downstream to within a mile or so of the 494 bridge. Wingdams are displayed from the Holmen Field Airport south to the 494 bridge although the river shape is very basic in form from the airport downstream past Pigs Eye Lake. At the point just upstream of the 494 bridge the information displayed appears to closely resemble the information available on the 2009 Minnesota chip. Given the Wisconsin portion of the Mississippi River doesn’t come into play until an angler gets south of Prescott, WI on Pool 3 any coverage of Upper pool 3 and Pool 2 should be considered a bonus at any detail level.

    Lakemaster 2009 Wisconsin Chip – Pool 3 @ Prescott, WI

    From the 494 bridge on Pool 2 and south both the 2009 Minnesota and Wisconsin chips appear to share the same data and level of accuracy to the Minnesota / Iowa border.

    The 2009 Minnesota chip covers the Mississippi River in full detail well past the Minnesota / Iowa border. Wingdams are marked and the Mississippi River is shown in full detail on the 2009 Minnesota chip to approximately Mile Marker 529 which is just north of Clayton, IA on Pool 10. South of Mile Marker 529 detail is more basic as the Mississippi winds its way through further south along the Iowa / Wisconsin border.

    The 2009 Wisconsin chip shows the Mississippi River in full detail well past the Wisconsin border. Full detail, with wingdams marked, continues to Mile Marker 523 at Guttenberg, IA. Downstream of Guttenberg the river is displayed in high detail but wingdams are NOT marked past Guttenberg, IA.

    Hi-Definition Areas:

    As was the case with the 2008 Minnesota chip Pool 4 and Pool 8 on the 2009 Minnesota & Wisconsin chips are the areas covered with 1′ contours.

    Lakemaster 2009 Minnesota Chip – Pool 4 @ Lock & Dam #3

    Lakemaster 2009 Minnesota Chip – Lower Pool 4 @ Reeds Landing

    Lakemaster 2009 Wisconsin Chip – Pool 8 @ Lock & Dam #7

    Are Wingdams Marked & on Which Pools?:

    Wingdams are marked on both the 2009 Minnesota & Wisconsin chips starting on Pool 2 at Holmen Field Airport in St. Paul, MN south to Guttenberg, IA on Pool 10. All pools from Pool 2 – Pool 10 will have excellent coverage on both chips.

    Lakemaster 2009 Wisconsin Chip – Pool 5 @ Minneiska, MN

    Wingdams are displayed on both the Minnesota and Wisconsin 2009 chips covering all pools from Pools 2 – 10 as shown in the Pool 5 @ Minneiska, MN screen capture above.

    If anyone is interested in a specific area on the Mississippi River or has questions regarding these two chips don’t hesitate to ask. We’ll be happy to investigate the resources available to us and post your answer or requested image here ASAP.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    still no depths for pool 3…

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    Will this chip run in a Legend HCx unit?

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5711

    Thanks for doing this!


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    still no depths for pool 3…

    Make sure you request the 1′ contours for Pool 3 or any other body of water you want to see covered.

    Lakemaster goes where the consumer demand sends them.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Will this chip run in a Legend HCx unit?

    No, the 2009 maps for Garmin have not been released yet. When they are I’m sure Lakemaster will let us know and I’ll post an announcement.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Just requested Pool 3 for you Perchy.

    Not that I would ever use it.

    Posts: 346

    Where can I purchase the 09 chip? Any places in MN have them in stock yet?

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380


    still no depths for pool 3…

    If you fish it a lot, save your depth/gps data and I’ll make one for you using Dr. Depth.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Just requested Pool 3 for you Perchy.

    Not that I would ever use it.

    The more people that request it the better.

    Posts: 33

    Either the WI or MN Garmin digital data will show this information on your Legend. Lowrance/LakeMaster data cards won’t work in Garmin units and vice-versa. LakeMaster’s Mississippi information hasn’t changed for ’09, so ’08 data cards/cd’s will work just fine for the river. Garmin should be releasing their ’09 data any day, however, which will show the new hi-def lakes for each state respectivley.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Where can I purchase the 09 chip? Any places in MN have them in stock yet?

    I heard back from Lakemaster and the info they had to offer was that the 2009 chips are shipping out to the stores but they’re not aware of when those shipments will work their way through distribution to the shelves.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Where can I purchase the 09 chip? Any places in MN have them in stock yet?

    I just called around to various Ganders and Scheels stores and for the time being going direct to Lakemaster is absolutely the best bet.

    Gander Eden Prairie and Forest Lake expect chips in to the stores “in the next couple weeks.”

    Scheels St. Cloud has the 2009 MN Lakemaster chips in stock! 320-252-9494

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    I think Lakemaster is a good company and has a fantatic product, but what a huge whiff to not have these 2009 maps out is full distribution before the fishing opener.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Joe’s Sporting Goods here in St Paul “has a bunch” of them.

    Funny, called over there to confirm. Guy says “We have been getting a lot of calls. I excpect we will sell out in a dy or two…..”


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    Joe’s Sporting Goods here in St Paul “has a bunch” of them.

    Funny, called over there to confirm. Guy says “We have been getting a lot of calls. I excpect we will sell out in a dy or two…..”


    Thanks for the legwork, Jon!~ I was going to call them after lunch and you beat me to it.

    Joe’s Sporting Goods

    33 East County Road B

    St.Paul, MN 55117

    Contact Information


    Local: 651-209-7800

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    but what a huge whiff to not have these 2009 maps out is full distribution before the fishing opener.

    Mike if you ever get the chance stop in to their office in Little Falls. It’s amazing what it takes to get that little chip out! In fact, I’m happy they had it out before the 2010 opener!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    James, I’d just like to say thanks for taking the time to put this together for all the IDO members. I realize it’s very time-consuming to put this together and I think it’s a HUGE benefit to our members. Thank you!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Right you are Wade. It takes alot of time to get things just right for showing people things on the actural chips on a website. But for the people viewing this its helpfull and makes a person understand that they can learn a ton of information about a body of water from these chips. It will change the way you fish, it will greatly increase your knowledge about a body of water and it will increase your ”catching” big time. You can follow breaklines real easy using these chips. I just can’t say enough about the benefits of them. I’d be lost without them. Now you know why I have three gps units in my boat.
    Thanks, Bill

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404


    James, I’d just like to say thanks for taking the time to put this together for all the IDO members. I realize it’s very time-consuming to put this together and I think it’s a HUGE benefit to our members. Thank you!

    DITTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Happy to do it guys. Last year there were a lot of questions about wingdams, which chips showed what… hopefully we’ve laid that to rest with the release of the new 2009’s.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1842

    Are depths only on 2 and 4?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Are depths only on 2 and 4?

    4 and 8.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13370

    Great review James. The Lakemaster chips are great on the river. I bought a 07 version a few years back for fishing Mille Lacs and would of never guessed at the time how useful it is for fishing wingdams on the river. This chip really takes the guess work out of getting set up on a wingdam. It is also a great help in showing how some dams are laid out. A good example is in the 1st photo you put up of pool 2 and the bend towards the tip of the first wingdam. That there is a nice piece of water to fish.

    How I use the chip to set up on the dams is 1st with the GPS zoomed out a little I locate a dam to fish. When getting closer to the dam the GPS gets zoomed in all the way. Once the dam appears on the screen again the anchor gets dropped and enough rope is let out until the boat is a certain distance from the dam on the screen. For my GPS this is usually a 1/4″ to 1/2″. This puts me with in casting distance of the dam. Once I find my spot on the spot on a dam a way point gets marked. This gets used as my target to anchor the boat on in the future. This is much easier than trying to guess at wave lines, current seams or trying to get the boat lined with markers on the shore line. Its just nose in the GPS now.

    Thanks again LakeMaster.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    My chip only has the Pool 4 dams and contours. That being said, that chip is unbelievably accurate for locating dams and finding spots on the spot!

    We used it extensively during the FLW League Championship last Summer. We were able to anchor off the tip of a wingie and pitch a willow cat right to the tip and nail a 28.5″ walleye at the end of the day. When you zoom in on the dam in the tightes setting, you can locate and pitch within feet of where you see it on the GPS.

    I will be investing on the new chip for Pools 2 & 3!

    Posts: 98

    I think everyone on this forum has been requesting more data from Pool 3. You’re preaching to the choir by saying ‘request it’. What does it take to get more detail on Pool 3?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I think everyone on this forum has been requesting more data from Pool 3. You’re preaching to the choir by saying ‘request it’. What does it take to get more detail on Pool 3?

    Keep requesting it. Consumers need to show one of the mapping companies sufficient demand to map a body of water. To date that hasn’t been shown or we would have a 1′ contour mapping product for pool 3.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    my lakemaster 2007 chip shows the pool 3 wingdams, but it would be nice to have depth readings.

    although….that might increase fishing pressure too…

    are we sure we want depth charts Brian??

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    There are no fish in P3…no need for a chip there.

    I’m thinking all gps’s and sonars should be banned from p3. The money spent on them would be better spent on making more golf courses or a stadium…if there’s anyone left that needs one.

    Posts: 98

    I think the company that first realizes the demand will be rewarded with many sales of a 1′ contour mapping of pool 3. It isn’t the customer’s responsibility to pound down the doors of the company (even though people here have tried).

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