A fantastic saturday!!!

  • walleyejoe
    Litchfield, MN
    Posts: 463

    The wife and I got down to redwing today (alone) and we planned on targeting white bass but the GOD’s had other plans for us. Eventually everything panned out and the day ended with a BANG. I set the hook on what I thought to be a snag but then it started gracefully swimming away from me and fast I pulled the anchor and chased the fish dowmstream. After a 35 minute wrestling match on a 7’6″ ML shimano crucial rod, Plfueger president xt 6725 (yup a small reel), and 6 pound Pflourocarbon line as well as a BFishin jig, I landed this 40 plus inch musky. Thanks to Dave Beck (the photographer) I was able to get some pics of the fish and my wife. Yes we did end up catching some nice White bass also. Thanks to Tiny Tim and Brian K.

    I finally caught a fish that I can definately say is MY personal best. I have been wanting to post something like this since I became a member to this site. Thanks again to every one at Evert’s and it is safe to say we will be back very soon.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Joe it was good to finally meet your wife…and I’m a bit surprised she puts up with you.

    Ok, let’s start over again! It was nice to meet your wife today…and good things aways come to people that wait on P4! P4 isn’t known for it’s ski’s so you really did hook into a trophy there!

    I’m glad you got your wife into some fish.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Thanks to Tiny Tim and Brian K

    BTW it’s tiny Bk and Todd….

    Posts: 3681

    Nice ski!!!

    BK..Did you pass writing composition?

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    We have been looking for a pool 4 muskie specialist!
    Glad you had a great day!

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Good job Joe. Very nice fish!! Glad you had a great day on P4 with the wife.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    SURE I tell you the hot baits and give up my white bass secrets and you give all the credit to BK and Tim!!! I see how this goes

    Just kiddin Nice Musky a definate bonus fish

    Litchfield, MN
    Posts: 463

    I apologize jjkrooked it was close to midnight when I got home and wrote this post and at that time I could not remember your name Thats a good thing though since I tend to remember the name of the loud ones

    I do have one question for all of you evert’s guys, Does this fish qualify for one of your PB pins?

    Thanks again to Tiny, BK, and JESSE oh and Dean made an apperance about 8pm when we were packing up. Now the wife says that I can come down ther whenever I want since you guys are so, what do you call it, oh yeah, SPECIAL

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I believe that would qualify for a PB pin for sure If it was your pool 4 PB musky and you let her swim thats pin worthy Talk to Dean next time you are down

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853


    I do have one question for all of you evert’s guys, Does this fish qualify for one of your PB pins?

    United States
    Posts: 5

    Great picture! What fun! ‘Chasing Big Skis’ program on FSN this morning got my blood pumpin’. The IDO website was touted on the program and now I’m here. Newbie. The first post I looked at was this one. I checked the FAQ, what’s a PB pin?

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 627

    See we actually do know what we are talking about! Way to go Joe . Nice to meet your wife and remember BK and Jessie are the SPECIAL ONES’S!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    I checked the FAQ, what’s a PB pin?

    First of all welcome and to answer your question a “P”ersonal “B”est (fish) is a pin that is offered from Dean at Everts Resort anytime you are on Pool 4 and catch the biggest fish (most species) you have ever caught this qualifies you for a “Personal Best” now the main part is the fish is a : catch, photo and release. Then you stop in at Everts and show the photo and brag up your fish and get the pin.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    remember BK and Jessie are the SPECIAL ONES’S!

    Thanks WEE

    Posts: 2627

    Tiny????? Tim, you sure have a knack for picking up nicknames buddy

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