Iowa Fishing Regs

  • rickyfishes
    Southeastern MN
    Posts: 89

    Could anyone help me decipher this from the Iowa Fishing Regs?

    “When still fishing or trolling you can use one or two lines. Each line can have one or two hooks.

    Each single pointed hook is counted as one hook.

    Each double-pointed hook is counted as one hook.

    Each treble-pointed hook is counted as one hook.

    All hooks attached as a part of an artificial bait or lure are counted as one hook.”

    Does it allow only 1 line with 2 lures/hooks and 2 lines with 1 hook/lure per line?

    Or does it mean up to 2 lines with 2 hooks/lures per line?


    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1824

    You can use two lines with two lures, At least I hope so

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595


    You can use two lines with two lures, At least I hope so


    SE MN
    Posts: 192

    A question I have asked before…
    * Wisc allows 3 lines, 1 lure per line
    * Iowa allows 2 lines, 2 lures per line (i.e. dubuque rig or double crank)

    I have a Wisc license – fishing the river…
    Can I use 3 lines railroad track to railroad track?

    Can the IA licensed folks run 2x dubuque rigs railroad track to railroad track?

    Or are the regs bound to the water you ‘think’ you are fishing in Wisc/Ia??


    Posts: 711

    wisconsin/minnesota border waters, you have to have a liscense from the state you are a resident of and follow that states regs

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1824


    A question I have asked before…
    * Wisc allows 3 lines, 1 lure per line
    * Iowa allows 2 lines, 2 lures per line (i.e. dubuque rig or double crank)

    I have a Wisc license – fishing the river…
    Can I use 3 lines railroad track to railroad track?

    Can the IA licensed folks run 2x dubuque rigs railroad track to railroad track?

    Or are the regs bound to the water you ‘think’ you are fishing in Wisc/Ia??


    Here is the exact rules from the DNR website:


    Licensed Iowa (resident or nonresident) anglers can fish in the waters of the Mississippi River lying between the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railroad tracks on the Iowa side of the river, and the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad tracks lying on the Wisconsin side of the river, including all sloughs and backwaters connected with the main channel of the Mississippi River.

    This reciprocity applies only to hook-and-line fishing, spearing, and the taking of minnows and crayfish for such fishing.

    Where there are differences in elements of the boundary waters regulations, you must comply with the regulations of the state whose territorial waters you are fishing in.

    SE MN
    Posts: 192

    So I am not a resident of IA or Wisc. I possess a Wisc non-resident fishing license. Based on the terminology of the IA regs copied above it looks like you are subject to the laws of the state you are fishing in (middle of the main channel in MOST places) NOT the laws of the state you are licensed in…

    I was checked 2x last summer by the IA DNR with 3 poles out and they just checked the normal license, live well, safety equipment and said ‘have a nice day’….

    Good discussion – hope to have those 2-3 poles in action tomorrow!

    SE MN
    Posts: 192

    I pulled up the Wisc regulations and they are worded very similar for the WI/IA boundary waters.

    Wisconsin residents need a Wisconsin fishing license and Iowa residents need an Iowa license to fish in these boundary waters. Residents of other states need a nonresident license from Wisconsin or Iowa. Regulations on these waters may differ between states. You must obey the regulations of the state in which you are fishing.

    So the IA guys that troll 2x dubuque rigs on the WI side of the channel and WI guys running 3x lines on the IA side of the channel ‘could’ be pinched…

    Cartoon bubble of the Rainy River in April

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ok guys heres what the laws mean. If you live in Wisconsin and hold a liscense you can fish to the railraod tracks on the Iowa side under Wisconsin regulations and what they say about the number of poles, hooks etc.
    If you live in Iowa you can fish to the Wisconsin railroad tracks under the rules of Iowa and what they say about poles, hooks, ditty poles, trotlines etc.
    In other words you can fish to the other side of the river(railroad tracks and no further) under the laws of that state in which your liscensed, resident or non-resident.
    It dosen’t matter what the other state says in thier laws as long as your fishing this side of the railroad tracks.
    When it comes to the diffrences between Wisconsin and Minnesota bounderies I don’t know but Wisconsin and Iowa I do.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Rick, you can fish with two poles with two hooks, lures with as many hooks as the lure comes with, up to the railraod tracks on the Wisconsin side and no further.
    Your allowed to fish with two poles and two lures, jigs etc. It dosent matter how many hooks the lure has on it, you can fish with two of those on one pole and two on the other pole.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    To many rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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