Lakemaid Beer???

  • whittsend
    Posts: 2389

    Anyone try this beer yet?? I had my first taste last fall, and its available again now. (Made by Schells out of New Ulm, MN – its seasonal during open water fishing season) Good stuff! The best part is the bottle cap fishing game under each cap… Last 12 pack I caught two 3 pound perch, a 6 lb walleye, a 20 lb carp, got picked clean, a snag, the netman botched the job, and I caught a tire. My wife always “outfishes” me, I think she got a 35lb musky and a 12lb walleye.

    Fun stuff. Plus, the 12 “Lakemaids” aren’t half bad to look at, either.
    Check it out –

    Posts: 2389

    Oh ya – Schell’s bills it as “The Fisherman’s Lager.”

    Larry Dahlberg, et al recount lakemaid sightings on the website.

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    I’ve had it and Like it. Even got me a shirt and hat from Gander last year. Its a good tasting beer. Even better when your in the boat. Had some nice fish last year, also had a couple snags, lost bait, weeds.
    Wallster ><((((>

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    I drank this last year until I caught a 12lb walleye, then I went back to Labatts. Good beer, both of them.

    Posts: 8

    you Know what willy, Griz would be proud of you !! even thought you don’t agree with his fish cleaning technolgy. his beer is better than nothing!!!!

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    Buzz,Nice to see you on the site, you should spend more time on IDO. I dont think you’ll ever see me cleaning fish with a beer in my hand and knife in the other. Only Griz, things could get ugly if I did that
    Wallster ><((((>

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 593

    Good stuff and I own the lake maid musky shirt also.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Tried it last summer and am looking forward to it this summer too when it gets hot.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Big fan of Ms. Walleye! RR

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    Great beer we enjoy having fishing tournaments with our friends. Ive been noticing that alot of stores dont carry it whats with that?

    Posts: 445

    I really like the stuff. I try to convince my wife that I like the beer not just the Lakemaids. The only place by me that seems to carry it is the liquor store in Rogers, just make sure you leave some for me. I will be bringing 24 up to Canada next month.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    The liquior store in Anoka on HWY10 across from K-Mart has it too.

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