You should never have to pump it out under normal conditions. I installed my system in 1986, it is nothing special just a 1000 gallon tank and 300 feet of lateral with 25 or 30 ton of 2″ rock. It has never been pumped, knock on wood. 
Bacteria breaks down the solids and the liquid flows out the lateral field to evaporate. That is it, like I said nothing special.
I see a lot of houses recently have been put on lagoon systems the last few years. They work on the same principal as mine, rather than the liquid evaporating from a lateral field, it evaporates from the lagoon.
But regulations are regulations, I am grandfathered in with the system I have. If I built a new house I would have to put it on a new septic system, and a county oficial would come to my property to do a perk test to determine which system and size I would need with the newer regulations.
Like what was said in a couple of earlier posts, check with your builder, the person that installed it, or the governing official for chit.
Good Luck