Goodbye John Madden

  • hnd
    Posts: 1579

    what do you expect…his girlfriend favre is gone

    Calgary, AB
    Posts: 280

    I’m with you all the way on this one Riveratt. Madden was the best, and he’ll be missed. I’m really surprised at the haters too.

    As for Collinsworth, he is hands down the best NFL mind in broadcasting right now. He forgets more about football before breakfast than most of us could ever hope to know. No doubt he’ll need a minor “break-in” period, but he is going to be great and provide some truly unique insight.

    One thing about him you have to respect – he’s not afraid to voice an opinion, even a negative one, about any player, coach, or team in the league. He calls them as he sees them.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    I would take Aikman any day over Collinsworth…. Maybe even Buck…. ahhhh, scratch that

    big G

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    I simply do not like Collinsworth. He is too team biased IMO. I don’t see him lasting long but if he does then kudos to him. He will never fill Maddens shoes. Aikman and Buck are my favorite duo now. Someone mentioned they don’t like Buck. I guess I’ve never thought of it and am afraid to ask why. But, why?

    Calgary, AB
    Posts: 280


    I simply do not like Collinsworth. He is too team biased IMO. I don’t see him lasting long but if he does then kudos to him. He will never fill Maddens shoes. Aikman and Buck are my favorite duo now. Someone mentioned they don’t like Buck. I guess I’ve never thought of it and am afraid to ask why. But, why?

    No one will fill Madden’s shoes.

    You don’t like Collinsworth because he’s team biased, but you like Aikman? Aikman might as well still be playing for the Cowboys… I don’t see the Collinsworth bias, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. He does tend to go with the favourites when looking at weekly matchups – but for obvious reasons IMO.

    Don’t get me wrong, I like Aikman and Buck, I think they’re the #1 team right now, but not because they aren’t biased lol.

    I also like Dierdorf. Dierdorf, Michaels and Gifford on MNF were the best announcing team ever IMHO.


    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3498

    I’m also going to miss Madden. Its amazing that as much as he talked, he didn’t really ever say anything.

    I also like Aikman, Buck, and Collinworth. But Dierdorf? Are you kidding me? I’d put him in the same boat as Thiesman (and Dan Reeves from the radio). Then I would sink the boat.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Yeah I guess Aikman does show favortism to the ‘Boys. Maybe it isn’t as strong as I see Collinsworth get though? And maybe I subconsciously let it slide knowing he isn’t that far removed from the team yet. One thing I do recall is Aikman will call a player to task but then will also give them immediate credit for a good play or correction. Again I would venture a guess that our own personalities play a roll in who we decide to like. I loved how Madden could simplify the game, to the point of being a fault to others, for everyone watching it. Madden is far from stupid. He can diagnose a play as it is setting up and immediately tell the viewer in the simplest terms what took place.

    I used to like Dierdorf but no more. His last year on MNF he was so argumentative and asinine that I couldn’t watch him. And his constant reference to players with more sacks not getting credit because they didn’t keep records soon enough was enough to make me puke, lol.

    I’m so looking forward to the start of the season. I pray the Packers go 4-12 and the Bears kick some Asstroturf, lol.

    Posts: 2389

    I used to not care for Madden based on dumb comments, but now I think he is (was) the best announcer out there. The stupid stuff he said usually is what made listening to him fun. When you can watch a game and laugh out loud at the dumb (and funny) stuff that he said, well, it just made the game more enjoyable for me. He knew he said “funny” things – his role in the movie The Replacements was hilarious… And he did know a little about football.

    Compare that to the NFL Network’s announcer in Bryant Gumbel (OMG, is there a worse announcer anywhere? This guy has absolutely no opinions or charisma at all — he is middle of the road with everything, with zero intensity… He could do a play-by-play of christians vs lions at the roman coloseum and make it sound like a spelling bee.) — Good thing NFL network finally dropped him.. The worst ever. EVER. And Neon Deon is just a joke… If you want to talk about an idiot, there’s your man.

    At least Dennis Miller was generally entertaining and somewhat funny, even if you didn’t get half of his high-brow references….

    And for those of us who know that Farve was the man, it was nice to have Madden on our side.

    My opinion, I could be wrong…

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Gumble was bad but not the worst guy to listen to in the world of NFL commentators. Enter Shannon Sharpe. Can anyone honestly understand what this idiot is trying to say? Is he hired simply to satisfy affirmative action because he is intolerable with his inability to enunciate the English language. He always seems to get worked up and what started out sounding like Mr.Ed chewing on a bag of rubber bands while singing the National Anthem ends up sounding like, well, Mr.Ed chewing on a box of rubber bands while singing rap music. He, my friends, is truly terrible. Thank God he is only on a pregame show.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3498


    He always seems to get worked up and what started out sounding like Mr.Ed chewing on a bag of rubber bands while singing the National Anthem ends up sounding like, well, Mr.Ed chewing on a box of rubber bands while singing rap music.

    Great analogy. Couldn’t agree more.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    and Buck are my favorite duo now. Someone mentioned they don’t like Buck. I guess I’ve never thought of it and am afraid to ask why. But, why?

    I’ll never forgive Jack Buck for his over-reaction to one of the GREATEST things to ever happen in professional Sports….

    Calgary, AB
    Posts: 280

    X2 on Gumble
    X2 on Deion Sanders
    X1000 on Shannon Sharpe

    Emmitt Smith goes on that list for me too, useless…

    I CAN’T STAND Tony Kornheiser either. He ruins the MNF game for me. Tirico is very good, I can tolerate Jaworski’s personality because he knows the game, but Kornheiser? The guy’s an oxygen thief…


    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Randy is just paying back all the Pack fans for the bus ride in and out of Lambo.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    “Thats disgusting !!!” Did Buck have his X-Ray glasses on ???

    big G

    Posts: 2389


    X2 on Gumble
    X2 on Deion Sanders
    X1000 on Shannon Sharpe

    Emmitt Smith goes on that list for me too, useless…

    I CAN’T STAND Tony Kornheiser either. He ruins the MNF game for me. Tirico is very good, I can tolerate Jaworski’s personality because he knows the game, but Kornheiser? The guy’s an oxygen thief…


    Thanks for reminding me about Kornholio… THAT guy is definately a waste of skin when it comes to commentary… Him and his sweet Bozo style combover DEFINATELY ruin the game for me. I can’t believe Miller got the axe after a year or two and Kornholio is still going strong. I would almost (ALMOST) rather listen to Gumballs.
    Funny Onion short article about Kornholio.


    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 593

    I wouldn’t mind if they would just broadcast the game and leave off the announcing. Kind of like if I was in the stands. The last thing I need is another “Mr. Obvious” comment from an announcer. My wife always looks over at me and says you should have been a broadcaster, because I’ll state exactly what these guys are going to say right before they do. It doesn’t add much for me.

    I used to like the old ESPN Sunday night crew, they were tolerable.

    As a Bears fan I like the Pack and Bears radio crews, but Paul Allen and the Vikes crew sucks! Coleman sideline analyst is just awful. That whole over top bit he does when they lose and he is the locker room in unbearable. Sounds like he is talking at funeral procession.

    Boom, there’s the kick!

    Posts: 2389

    I agree, I do like the Packers radio announcers… I also agree that viking radio is pretty bad… They always get down on the team or the players, and seem to get more negative remarks in than they do positive ones… Couldn’t believe what I was hearing the first time I heard a vikings game.

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