The only prob is that they hide behind the hostages,
I think they need to learn first hand how a US Navy Seal team deals with people like them![]()
They just did.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Somali pirates
The only prob is that they hide behind the hostages,
I think they need to learn first hand how a US Navy Seal team deals with people like them![]()
They just did.
It might cost more to arm these boats than to have one hijacked from time to time. This is a relatively new phenomenon 1-2 years possibly.
Also, once you arm with a .50 caliber, the pirates will just upgrade their weapons. The last thing you want is for them to torpedo the boat or go after the crew with larger weapons.
The answer here might be that an international patrol needs to be established so these pirates can be intercepted before they get to the ships. Easier said than done. Alot of water to cover and I’m sure their ships look like the average fishing trawlers or other non-pirate ships. I doubt they fly the black pirate flag.
On a lighter note, its been interesting trying to explain this to my kids. They look at me and say “Pirates”? with images of Johnny Depp and Pirates of the Caribbean in mind.
Also, once you arm with a .50 caliber, the pirates will just upgrade their weapons. The last thing you want is for them to torpedo the boat or go after the crew with larger weapons.
I disagree with that. That would be contrary to what they want. They want the cargo intact to collect the ransom.
I agree, a “NATO” type of organization needs to be developed by participating Countries to curb this. Also, a new High Seas law needs to be established that any boat coming closer than 1/2 mile to a freighter needs to have permission, or it is “Open Season”.
Being a pirate is a “risk vs reward” business.
We just need to up the risk factor.
Being a pirate is a “risk vs reward” business.
We just need to up the risk factor.
On the other hand,
it is Somali residents doing this crime.
The UN should be holding the country responsible by establishing blockages and embargos of all importing/exporting to the country. Close down their shipping and air ports.
On the other hand,
it is Somali residents doing this crime.The UN should be holding the country responsible by establishing blockages and embargos of all importing/exporting to the country. Close down their shipping and air ports.
Like they have anything to ship out!
Terrorism is their only export I think…Right?
Other Countries are going to continue to pay. The more they pay…the longer this will go on. The money is too good for these low lifes to give it up! Death is a small price to pay considering where they came from. No government, no jobs, little food…
——————————————————————————–Also, once you arm with a .50 caliber, the pirates will just upgrade their weapons. The last thing you want is for them to torpedo the boat or go after the crew with larger weapons.
I disagree with that. That would be contrary to what they want. They want the cargo intact to collect the ransom.
The owner/operator of the ship also wants the cargo intact so in the process of defending the ship you lose it all? I don’t think they’ll risk that.
I’m not sure what the answer is, this is not a field I’m at all experienced in.
Like they have anything to ship out!
No government, no jobs, little food…![]()
These are real funny statements arent they Tuckner.
The half mile rule is a very good one, if they are legitimate boats just fishing or what ever and they have an honest reason to come shipside then im sure radios will be used. If a ship has to come shipside and theres no previous communication then man the guns incase thier pirates. Rockets or not 50 calibers would cut a boat in half and it wouldn’t take long.
I don’t know much about shipping but I do know that the freight thier carrying is insured as soon as its dock side befor its loaded and until its destination. A storm, boat takeing on water and sinking any of the things that can happen so thats why the cargos insured.
I can’t think of one good reason where they’d be stupid enough if the boats had 50 cals on them. I can see a one or two mile rule for freighters carrying anything combustable, oil products, fertilizers etc. How much do you want to bet after the freighters started sinking thier boats that it wouldn’t take long for them to stop, I don’t think thier suicidle. If the Isreali boats are armed like previously said I wonder how many of those are pirated, I bet none.
Pretty soon the word would get out that its shoot to kill if a boat comes within the designated limit and that can be set by maritime rules. If they identify themselves and the records and communication shows thier a legitimate boat with legitimate reasons then fine, all the calls after that are up to the captains and future rules. If theres a language barrier and some are concerned about that then don’t go beyond the distance limit and there won’t be any questions to answer. As of now the pirates have nothing to loose, armed freighters and a few pirates boats sunk no doubt would change thier minds in a hurry.
Saving cost is not more important than maintaining safe shipping lanes. If done privately arming these ships won’t be half bad. Done through government programs where the government is left to be in charge then yes the expense will be great. But one thing is for certain. laying down and making excuses is BS and is the sole reason we will continue to get slapped around. The leader of the most powerful, richest, nation on earth should have been on the phone already with the leader or whomever of Somalia informing him/them that the large shadow they see is from the warning bomb sent to get their attention. And if another attack on a cargo ship occurs the bombs will completely level their pee hole of a country.
These rogues have said that the next time they take a ship with hostages from a country that retaliated they will simply kill the hostages first thing. That means the USA people! That is a declaration of war. They specifically stated “the next time…they will kill”. Seems very obvious they intend to continue hijacking ships. An act of war.
The next time a cruise ship passes by that region of the world the tour guide ought to be saying “And port side you will see a large dust bowl. Last week it was known as Somalia.”
Saving cost is not more important than maintaining safe shipping lanes. If done privately arming these ships won’t be half bad. Done through government programs where the government is left to be in charge then yes the expense will be great. But one thing is for certain. laying down and making excuses is BS and is the sole reason we will continue to get slapped around. The leader of the most powerful, richest, nation on earth should have been on the phone already with the leader or whomever of Somalia informing him/them that the large shadow they see is from the warning bomb sent to get their attention. And if another attack on a cargo ship occurs the bombs will completely level their pee hole of a country.
These rogues have said that the next time they take a ship with hostages from a country that retaliated they will simply kill the hostages first thing. That means the USA people! That is a declaration of war. They specifically stated “the next time…they will kill”. Seems very obvious they intend to continue hijacking ships. An act of war.
The next time a cruise ship passes by that region of the world the tour guide ought to be saying “And port side you will see a large dust bowl. Last week it was known as Somalia.”
Interesting article on alternative weapons to ward off pirates. I’d like to test drive the “Pain Ray”
That could come in handy on Mille Lacs at the boat landings on opener.
Thinking outside the box is what needs to take place. I personally will not accept the idea of not arming these ships but that is only one phase.
Here is another idea. These big ships have no shortage of water obviously. Why not have several stations of large diameter, high volume, high pressure water hoses that can be easily turned on and used to aim at invading criminals? Lethal? Hardly. But believe me it will be damn hard to control and aim a firearm when in the direct blast of water. And if a few crewman have a few hoses going it would easily take the cowards off their feet and knock the weapons from their hands. Once an angry crew advances on these skinny a$$ and unarmed scumbags the real fear will set in. Personally I’d be tossing their worthless carcasses overboard and let the long swim home kill them.
Bottom line they have a surplus of water and adding high volume pumps and hoses wouldn’t be that expensive. The non lethality of them ought to pacify the bleeding hearts so everyone should be happy. Plus we all know you are suppossed to shower before swimming so tossing a wet Somalian overboard is actually just following protocol.
Ya Jon, I like the electric fence idea too. There was a lineman here in town that got hit with high voltage right from the powerplant 25 miles out, thats close when its a necular power plant. He grabbed the wrong cable and it litteraly burnt his fingers off to his palm in a fraction of a second, they wont be able to swim and will sink like a rock, because he died not only from the electricity but from the force of the shock litterly. If they try coming over the fence just throw the switch from the ships generator.
Its fun to try to find what would work, I kind of like the micro wave idea too,,,Like Jon said the painray, turn them into somali baked muffins at a mile out lol
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