LP Smartside vs Hardi-plank vs Cedar

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11059

    One more footnote: It takes more material to side a project with Hardi then it does with Smartside. A couple years ago Hardi designed there product with a top side and a bottom side so when siding a gable you can’t turn your drops upside down for use on the other side.

    Posts: 64

    smart siding is a very good product and we use it all the time 16′ pieces go up fast. You can beat it with a hammer and it don’t make a mark. Treated with a marine grade glue and has insecticides added in, also woodpeckers leave it alone copared to cedar, although we have one giving us a wake up call once in awhile but just a few pecks.. For installation they say 1- 16’piece will expand 3/8 inch and that is it. Once it expands it is done moving. We gap big runs at 3/16 at seams and ends. Under 16 we use small 1/8
    or a caulk joint. I also agree with a high quality caulk, I used cheaper and three years later finding myself recaulking, should of done it sooner. Also I would add a metal flashing over your windows if there isn’t one there.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    This is from a painted surface aspect. Cedar siding holds paint really well and that also depends on what kind of paint. You have to use an oil based primer even if you use a latex paint because of the tannins that latex primer will pull through, so. If you use an oil based paint and two coats of that, because cedar holds paint really well, it will be along time before you see any signs of ageing or distress.

    Cedar and an oil based paint is a very good combination and no priming is necessary, its a little pricy for the original investment but it lasts along time and am considering this on my own cedar sided house, but remember it has to be a quality oil based paint like Sherwinn Williams or Benjamin Moore. You rarely see an older cedar sided house that’s to the point where it looks bad, but there is some, and only because the time has passed where its needed another quick coat. 20 too 30 years for a two coat paint job is the norm.

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