Does anyone in IDO land have a Dell Inspiron 1150, or a similar Dell with the same battery, in good working order? This model is approximately 4-5 years old.
I have one, but it does not charge the battery. We purchased an after-market battery, and the computer worked flawlessly until it ran down to 0% charge.
My fiance has a lot of pictures on the computer that we need to access in the next month. They will be used for our wedding.
My hope is that someone has a similar computer and would be willing to take the two batteries I have and charge them for me. I am hoping two 100% charged batteries will allow me enough time to transfer the pictures to a flash drive.
I have done some research, and it sounds like the service work needed to fix the laptop is not worth my $, since we have another laptop at home, and I would much rather put the $ toward a new model anyways.
If there is another option that is available to transfer files from a computer that is OFF, I would love to hear it.