Tax Help Needed, re:1099-Misc

  • dave_n
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 176

    My daughter helps with a high school marching band and received a 1099-Misc for the $900 she earned. Using Turbo Tax, it says she needs to be considered a small business and fill out all sorts of extra forms (Schedule C and Schedule SE)and pay self employment tax. Seems way to complex for a few hundred bucks. Is this the correct way to file this? She is in college and only made $4000 for the whole year. Any help is apprciated. Dave

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    The income tax portion would not be too much. Using turbo tax makes it pretty easy just give the program any information it asks for, the SE tax is what will cost the most. Mileage to and from the events, food, bervages, all would be tax deductable. If you don’t have actual receipts write the information down or enter the info into a spread sheet in case she would get audited. Just be as honest as possible.

    Sterling, IL
    Posts: 375

    I used to get a 1099-Misc from a place that I gave tennis lessons. I also found the same thing with Turbo Tax. I did find after a few years the top turbo tax program was easier to use for this then the cheeper ones. Try their online program and see if it helps at all.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 176

    Thanks for the help. I guess will just follow the Turbo Tax instructions and hope for the best. Thanks again.

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