Who’s using P90X workout DVD’s?

  • brian_peterson
    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    Holy crap, this is kicking my Anyone using them?

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    I’ve watched the infomercials a few times, as always skeptical to see if it does what they say it does…

    How’s it working for you Brian?


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    From what I understand, if you follow the meal plan and do the workouts you will see the results. But most people don’t eat right and quit after 30 days because they are not seeing magical results for the punishment you are putting their body through. Most infomercials basically tell you that you don’t have to work hard and just like magic you are in shape. At least this infomercial says you are going to work your off. I know a few people that have done it, a few that quit it, and a few going through it right now.

    Good luck.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I actually watched the informercial the other day while laying on the couch not doing a thing and thought that it was an interesting concept. I can see where it would be one heck of a workout. I fell asleep before I got the ambition to pickup the phone and call though.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066


    I actually watched the informercial the other day while laying on the couch not doing a thing and thought that it was an interesting concept. I can see where it would be one heck of a workout. I fell asleep before I got the ambition to pickup the phone and call though.

    Happens to me every time!

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 696

    P90X is a great system. It’s not a system for starting a work out with its more of an advanced workout. If you have been working out or have stopped seeing growths in strength and stamina then this is for you. It would be a great system to use for athletes that want to go to the next level.
    Great dedication is needed to keep up with the system. I have switched and incorporated it to my normal workouts and have great success. It’s worth the money if you can keep up with the routine.
    I am in the best shape that I have been in since I got out of the military. Who would have thought that at near 40 I would be feeling this good.

    Posts: 11

    Yep been using P90X for about 7 weeks and as some of you mentioned thus far, if you dont stay with the meal plans or eat in a healthy manor you will not see the same results as if you were. The workouts were tough when I first started out and have progressively gotten easier. Like I said, I have been using this for about seven weeks, however, it seems that I miss at least 2 or 3 workouts a week do to poor habits and the fact that you are watching a video while trying to pump some iron. I would have to believe that if one was to follow the strict regimen, and let me tell you its not easy, then yes they probably would see better results than I. I shouldn’t complain to much, as I am in the best shape I have been in, in over a year. Also, the workouts are for those that are in some kinda of shape besides round

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765


    I actually watched the informercial the other day while laying on the couch not doing a thing and thought that it was an interesting concept.

    That, right there, is funny…

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