Let me start by apologizing for the quality of pics as they were taken on my Crackberry…
I am not sure where I stand on this practice. We have all heard the rumors of huge walleyes being netted along with the carp and other rough fish. This is a live netting operation, and not gill netting. The fish are collected live in nets that I can best describe as a corral type of net. They set it off the beach and it spreads about 100 yards or so. They draw the net back in towards shore and collect the fish. They are stored in another corral net until the truck arrives to bring them out east to the processor….LIVE! The size and volume of carp and buffalo were absolutely unbelievable! And getting them out of the system can only be a good thing in my mind as at least those fish are not eating gamefish eggs during the spawn this Spring. But I am sure this does not even put a dent into their population. My concern is that these walleye are full of spawn and manhandled when sorted through. They are literally tossed over shoulders back into the water!
We saw a 3-4# brown trout and some 4-5# largemouth bass and some absolutely HUGE crappies receiving the same treatment.
I estimated about 75 or so monster walleyes between 24-29″ in the net pull I witnessed. I would feel a lot better if there was a DNR person present at the time they pull the nets. Or even a creel sensus person so that they could at least count the number of game fish per pull. I guess my gut would feel better if they did this after the spawn.
The walleye being pulled into the boat was about 27″ as was the one floating.
I am not posting this to start a war or a long debate, just simply as an observation.