• mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    I apologise for bringing a non fishing/hunting item to this board and will try to be short. But with five children that believe we are in “one nation under God”, I would be untrue to them, myself, and God if I didn’t say something.

    The Supreme Court has agreed to visit and is accepting briefs on removing “One Nation Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance permanently, started by “Just ONE MAN with the help of misguided activist judges.”

    Without debating or trying to prove the significance of this possible decision, I would just ask those of you who care ,(and I believe there are many), go to http://www.aclj.org and read the details and if you are so moved , ask that your name be added to their Supreme Court brief. Notice it does not say aclu and is not affilliated in way, This the American Center for Law & Justice. They have a proven track record for defending religious liberty for all of us that share the same GREAT GOD, and the same Great Nation

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention Mountain Man. It is a very worthy cause.

    Gator Hunter

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    An ever-ready-to-pounce “windbag” like myself has to take a deep breath before talking about things like this. I support freedom 100% and no one seems to realize that this Christian view was the basis and foundation for establishing the very freedoms we enjoy and that millions have died fighting for.

    We seem so focused on taking care of other world views that it’s taking away what has set us apart from all pre-existing world views. Understand, when the USA was formed, nothing else like it had EVER been established on this planet before.

    You don’t have to be a believer in God but it IS a part of this country’s heritage and history and the very reason we even exist in this fashion! This viewpoint………….established a world that proclaimed freedom was for all. It deserves recognition because without it, we’d still have what the rest of the world has…………..and if we want that, why do so many still risk their lives to come here???

    This summer I’ll be leaving the country for my first time and I’ll get a REAL GOOD LOOK at what the majority of this world is like. Chances are that this country and it’s foundations are going to mean more to me than I’ve ever imagined!

    Realize…………..the easiest way to kill freedom is to force it’s supporters to practice it without preservation.

    Mountain Man, let us know if there’s more we can do!

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    stillakid took the words right out of my mouth, I am thinking that the more that we get involved with what is happening to our world and our childrens world, the better off we will be. I appreciate the time Mountian man for bringing this point up, not many of us like to watch the news due the bad taste it leaves in my mouth, because very seldom do they go the extra mile and find something that is honest and pure to report.



    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I just signed. Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    I believe this is very important. It’s time to take a stand against a few people who don’t represent what most people really want. Thanks for bringing this forward. I’ve signed it!


    Prescott, WI
    Posts: 89

    I just signed it also. Thanks for alerting us about this Mountain Man. We all need to take a stand for our beliefs.


    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    I believe our nation was founded on a principle of religious freedom not freedom from religion. Christians have always been pursecuted, isnt it strange that it happens in a nation they founded.

    Posts: 304

    “ONE NATION UNDER GOD” is a broad statement.I don’t have a problem with it as such because,it encompasses anyones belief in a Creator and whatever you may percieve that Creator to be.The problem I have is when believers of any faith want to tell me who that God is or that their God is THE God and to believe in any God other than the one they believe in is misguided and wrong.Mike

    S.E. Michigan
    Posts: 8

    Why dont we petition to annex los angelas and san francisco and make em their own little countries and let these people go there to live!

    When they get comfortable! We will shock and aw them on into the pacific! LOL

    God bless and I am in One Nation Under God!

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    Thank you Mountain Man for bringing this to our attention. Many signatures from me, my family and friends will now be added. I also bookmarked the site. Good one to check in on from time to time!

    Posts: 973

    Thank you Mountain Man, I just filled out the form.

    One suggestion is that we all share this with friends who do not visit this board. For example, I recently retired and have many friends who share our feelings regarding this issue, but don’t necessarily read this board.

    How this got to the Supreme Court I can’t imagine. Surely there is someone in this universe more powerful then a human being. I have trouble rebuilding a carburetor and can’t understand nature including why grass grows. So I am pretty sure there is a God or whatever one wants to call him somewhere.

    Anyway, thanks again.

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    I just signed, and you can bet your bottom dollar that my crew will sign it before they start work in the morning. It just makes me wonder, what on gods green earth are they thinking of?

    Posts: 6259

    I’m in mountain man, God is what made this country great, turning our back on God would/will be or downfall….

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Thanks MountainMan, I”m signed in, and will send the address to all the guys in my Thurs morning church mens group. Am sure each of us signed on here know quite afew friends and family to send the web site address to. IT is quite important, Thanks. Jack. Let’s pray, it stays IN.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Thanks for the post!

    Two points of fact:

    #1: 90% of the world population believe in some type of God, not necessarily Christian. So, who are we beckoning too by taking it out???

    #2: I’m not “here” for a long time. That “long time” is scheduled for my next stop. There, it’s going to be a very long time. Hopefully I do things right and not forget “where” I came from………….

    Posts: 42

    This is a topic I have a hard time with. Personally, I feel that Church and State are already separated a little too much…hence some of the problems in the country.

    As a lawyer though, I have to realize that as the laws are currently written, I believe that the inclusion of this as a practice in publicly funded schools is unconstitutional.

    A little background:

    1.) The main question is whether or not “Under God” is a endorsement of religion in general. As you may know “under God” was not in the original Pledge. It was added in 1954 after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus. Why? During the middle of Cold War, we wanted to differentiate ourselves from “those godless Communists”. The main purpose of the inclusion was to recognize a “Supreme Being”.

    2.) The original Pledge was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a baptist minister and Christian Socialist. He was also an advocate for separation of church and state.

    3.) At an initial glance, “under God” would seem to exclude Atheists, Agnostics, Buddhists, Deists, Humanists, and many religions who do not support any connection between church and state.

    4.) President Eisenhower acknowledged religion in the country’s history and his hope for religion in the future when “Under God” was added: “in this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spriritual weapons which forever will be our country’s most powerful resource in peace and war.” Is this promoting a connection between Church and State?

    5.) “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion…” 1st Amendment

    6.) Here’s where the courts have historically drawn the line: If the item in question does not promote religion but is instead a part of our “historical tradition”, it can past Constitutional scrutiny. Therefore, the Senate can have a chaplain, legal tender can include “In God We Trust”, etc. On the other side, reciting a prayer at the beginning of a school day or school event (including football games or graduation), moments of silence for purpose of meditation or individual prayer, or even student votes to allow prayer have all failed the test due to the perceived promotion of religion. I’d be interested to hear in which side you all think this falls.

    Now, perhaps unfortunately, the Court will not follow emotional arguments. Instead, they must base their decision on the laws that currently exist. If “under God” is to remain in the Pledge, I believe that the First Amendment will have to be edited. I don’t believe that this will happen as although it has already been stated that 90% of all Americans believe in some type of Supreme Being, the Federal Govt can not exist for 90%.

    Something to ponder anyway. I’ll be running for cover now.

    Posts: 3

    People have a hard time with “Church and State” !!!This Plan that our forefathers’ have set up was intended to eliminate any RELIGION being forced on any group of people or persons !!!! Thus seperation from CHURCH and STATE,This was the original Plan .The BIG PROBLEM is the People with some INFLUENCE have distorted what GOD helped our forefathers put on paper,which was VERY GOOD.Thank you Mountain Man I’ll Be on your side for EVER !!!

    Posts: 255

    Thanks for bringing that up Mountain Man, I signed it right away, but I have to bring up what I see as a big problem with what I signed.

    I just recieved an email from the a ACLJ thanking me for signing the petition to repeal the campaign finance reform bill, the same bill that Sen. John McCain worked so hard to implement. I won’t go on too much about my unwavering support for the work Sen. McCain does, but if you have any questions about what kind of person he is, read his autobiography “Faith of my Fathers”. OK, now on to the issue, it seems that what I signed not only supports keeping “one nation under god” in the pledge of allegiance, but also other causes that the ACLJ support. If this is the case, it’s another example of underhanded politics being used to gain support for causes that people might not support, and although I hope we never lose “one nation under god”, I regret signing the petition.

    Posts: 443

    Wadsworth, I feel the same because of the same signing. Thanks, I thought like I was the only sucker! However, my thought is “One Nation Under God”! SM

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I signed it also. I have an interist in this for alot of reasons like many people. To say that the times are changing is a fact. My daughter got expelled from school because a statement was made about god. She came to gods defense when others said they didin’t beleive and wheres the proof kind of thing. Well at thier age of 17 and full of hormones it became a heated discussion with my daughter not backing down when the arguement came to full force. Various kids were expelled but im glad my daughter was for the lords support instead of the opposite. I receive the aclu’s mailings about once a week to try to keep up with laws that america stands up for. The aclu is a watchdog for americas freedoms and to keep our lives as private as thier suppose to be, not like it was in england. I know that with protecting our freedoms in america, as god loving people, it also protects the rights of others in thier beliefs. When the first amendment was drawn up im shure it was drawn up this way to protect everyones freedoms of thier beliefs wheather it was athiests or whatever because freedom to choose is freedom to choose and no governing council could intervien like it was in england. We like our beliefs and practice them because we believe in god. To have a totally free country we have to let others believe in the way they think also. It may not fit with our beliefs but its something we have to do to keep things free. If thats what they want to practice let them, its a free country. If we believe in acknowledging god in school they can also acknowledge thiers too in class in a pledge if they like, as long as its not satanic. They also have thier freedoms too but almost all of us know its wrong. It sometimes makes extra baggage to carry and think about but it has to be done this way to protect freedom, freedom that dosen’t hurt anyone. If they want to do it thier way, let them but don’t force it on to me because i live in a free country. I won’t force my beliefs on to them and i expect the same in return. I think sometimes we all say [this] is the best way, they think like this too. As long as its not forced upon any citizen living in the united states its still going to be a free country. Let us practice our beliefs and we’ll let them practice thiers. We have too as long as it dosen’t hurt anyones health. Im for a free country and always will be. Somethings i don’t like when it comes to what others do but its still a free country i just have to tell my children whats right and wrong because of freedom, wisdom, health, the bill or rights and the constitution. This to me is what makes america free and the greatest nation on earth. To me god will let everyone know in the end wheather thier right or wrong.

    Posts: 255

    That was a very good statement mossydan, a good explanation of what freedom of religion means, but are you talking about the ACLU, or ACLJ, they are two very different groups.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Thanks Wadsworth for the clearity. I thought it said aclu, I didn’t see the j in aclj. Im not familiar with them. Who are they in a brief explanation if you can, thanks

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    In my opinion the aclu is a “watchdog” group that protects the few at the expense of the many. They are the ones who fight to keep God out of schools, government offices, the pledge, and any other place they can find a reason to prevent us from expressing our belief in Him.
    From what I have been able to gather, the aclj is another watchdog group, but they seem to focus on the rights of the many, while not stepping on the rights of the minority.
    My kids go to a school of less than 500 students, yet the aclu has been involved more than once in actions to prevent our kids from being able to pray, even silently, in school, and have taken the side of one student who’s parents were atheists, and did not think their child should have to hear the name of the Lord in school. Fortunately, they moved before things got to heated, and the aclu did not follow up when there was no one here complaining. I also believe that we should not force our beliefs on anyone, but if I believe it, or my children believe, we should not be prevented from expressing our beliefs because it might bother someone who does not believe as we do. The aclu would have you believe that they are protecting all the free rights of everyone, but in reality they are working endlessly to take away OUR freedom of speech by hiding behind the “separation of church and state” clause.

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