These guys are great and quick. I wrote Strikemaster asking about any information about what was happening this fall for new Auger products and here is the response.
We will be using a German engineered Solo motor on our 2hp augers next season. We will have the Magnum which will have a 37cc 2hp motor with a polymer transmission. The Lazer Mag will have a 42cc 2 ½ hp motor and the Lazer Pro will have a 54cc 3hp motor. The Magnum will come with the single chipper blade drill unit and the Lazer Mag and Lazer Pro will have the two blade lazer drill unit. There are no changes to the Strike Lite for next season that we have been made aware of. The composite drill unit needs to be brought up and out of the hole a few times while drilling in thick ice as the ice and slush can get very heavy on the top of the flighting and can crack or break it. If you would like more information on any of the augers, please call the number listed below and ask to speak with a service technician so they can better assist you.
StrikeMaster Corp.
17217 – 198th Ave
Big Lake, MN 55309
Phone (763) 263-8999
Fax (763) 263-8986
Hours: M – Thurs 8am – 4:30pm CDT
Fri 8am – 3pm CDT