This is what I think it may be too. I worked on small engines and a coil and condenser will do the same thing, in autos also. The Kohlers I’ve worked on have the points under a cover, approx. 1 1/2″ by 2 1/2″ down around the bottom next to the base of the motor. Pull the cover off and remove the points. With a sandpaper fingernail file, not a metal one clean up the tungsten contacts then put them back in and reset the gap in the points. The point gap should be around 019. to 020. thousandths. All the Kohler engines I’ve worked on have an external coil like a car coil and thier cheap. Go to your favorite auto parts store and get a coil, thier about $10 to $15 bucks, it dosen’t hurt to change it anyway with a new one, any older series car coil will work, 60’s chevy or ford coil. Also at this time change the condenser thats mounted by the coil, they get old an leak. Kohlers have an external fuelpump on the outside of the motor and sometimes the diaphram starts to go on them and it does the same things. If its the diaphram inside the pump its an easy change. Try to find a place that will sell you just the diaphram, some places want to sell you the whole pump and you don’t need one and thier pricey. Try the coil, condenser and clean up the points first. If that dosen’t do it then clean the carb by disassembling it and putting it back together, just squirting carb cleaner down the carb throat dosen’t do it. Like said above check the vent hole in the gas cap and make sure its not plugged. Ive got an Ariens lawn tractor and im thinking about putting a front bucket and a backhoe on it, it would be cool if it could be done. Its not that hard to get it running good again, message me if you need some help and I’ll tell you how.