Last night I got to meet James Holst and Jason Halfen from In-Depth. I also had the chance to spend time with both Dave Markquart and Dan Meyer from Skeeter Boat Center. All 4 guys where down to earth and a real wealth of knowledge.
Kudo’s to Dave and Dan for putting on the seminars! For those who haven’t had a chance to attend, try to make one. They are held in a large room where you don’t feel cramped and you have comfortable chairs. Little snack and beverages make for a great time. Another nice thing is there is no “product pumping.” They don’t try and jam Sheeters down your throat. I you have a question everyone will help, but if you are just there for the seminar that is fine also. Very refreshing approach!!
I don’t know if or when I’ll buy another boat.But rest assured if I do I’ll give them a chance to sell me one.
Finally I must say James puts on a hell of a seminar. I don’t even fish for Walleyes and I learned things. His knowledge of Walleyes and the river shows just how much time him and his friends spend fishing. Best thing for me is he puts things in plain terms and has video to show what he is talking about. He’s not just a guy with a TV show, he really can fish.
So thanks to all, I had a great time last night and hope to someday meet more of you.