windshield ?

  • sink-her
    Kasson MN
    Posts: 365

    My dad broke his center windshield on his 93 crestliner it is a 216 phantom. Ive tried calling the window mfg they went out business, crestliner says they dont stock the parts for boats after 7 years. So im wondering if anybody knows of any salvage places in minnesota,iowa,wisconsin any help would be great. We already put a plastic in for replasement but it is not very sturdy. Thanks

    Zumbrota, MN
    Posts: 578

    Mark at Schoenmann Boat Works in Rochester might be able to help you out. Either call him or stop by his shop on Hwy 63 north of Rochester.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    You could call any of the glass companies in Rochester also…..Hentges, Ford Metro, K&M etc.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1005

    Any auto glass company should be able to cut a piece of tempered glass to fit what he needs, and install it for him.


    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 27

    Just agreeing with bassn dan, any glass company can cut one for you assuming it is flat glass and not curved

    Posts: 974


    Any auto glass company should be able to cut a piece of tempered glass to fit what he needs, and install it for him.


    Tempered glass can’t be cut
    they have to make a piece of tempered glass that size and its not cheap your looking at around $75-$100
    look in to a piece of 1/4″ LEXAN MARGARD it has an abrasion/UV resistant coated surface on both sides.
    Just call around to Plastic supply Co. and commercial glass houses someone should have a drop big enough to get your piece from they can sell you, so you dont have to buy the whole sheet
    you can cut it to size yourself with a jig saw and save the cutting charge,

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