James Holst at Skeeter Boat Center, Thur. March 19

  • jhalfen
    Posts: 4179

    Skeeter Boat Center is proud to announce that James Holst, host of In-Depth Outdoors TV, will make the trip to Chippewa Falls to present a seminar entitled, “The Walleye Transition Bite,” at 7:00 pm on Thursday March 19.

    James requires no introduction to visitors and members of iDoFishing.com. For years, James has shown his clients, website visitors, and TV audience how to consistently catch more and bigger fish. James’ seminar is your opportunity to learn about the springtime walleye transition bite directly from James, and to have him answer your questions in a one-on-one setting.

    I am excited to host my buddy during his visit to western Wisconsin, and I hope that many of you will join us for what promises to be an exceptional walleye seminar on Thursday, March 19.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    James WHO???

    I might just have to break away from work ealry and make the trip. A trip I know that will pay big dividens if I attend!

    Thanks to Skeeter Boat Center for holding and hosting these informative events.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Another excellent seminar being hosted by Skeeter Boat Center! Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend because I’m traveling on business that week. So somebody please take good notes for me!

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    How far is Chippewa Falls from the Cities?

    Posts: 4179


    How far is Chippewa Falls from the Cities?

    Chippewa is 60-70 minutes from Hudson.

    Posts: 4062

    Although rumor has it BK taught James everything he knows about fishing

    Got it on the calender

    Posts: 59

    All of us here at Skeeter Boat Center are excited to have James come over and talk to us about his extensive Mississippi River walleye experience.

    The timing of James’ seminar is perfect. You will be able to put the tips you pick up at the seminar to almost immediate use, as walleyes move through spawning into the post-spawn dispersal period.

    We look forward to seeing a bunch of IDO members and visitors at James’ seminar on March 19. If you have any questions, need directions, or just want to talk fishin’, please feel free to drop us an e-mail, a PM, or give us a ring.


    Posts: 4062

    Hold the snow please

    Posts: 59


    Hold the snow please

    We’ll do our best Kirt. Even if it should snow, we guarantee that James’ seminar will be worth the trip.

    Independence, Iowa.
    Posts: 82

    For those of us who cannot attend, will there be a possibility that it will be recorded and downloaded to the net for later viewing?

    Posts: 788



    Posts: 4179


    For those of us who cannot attend, will there be a possibility that it will be recorded and downloaded to the net for later viewing?

    As far as I know, there is one way to catch James’ seminar….grab a seat at Skeeter Boat Center on March 19 at 7 pm.

    Posts: 4179

    Getting closer

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    looking forward to it I should be there as long as I’m not on the river fishing myself

    Posts: 4179

    Two days left. Hope you guys are clearing your calendars to make it possible to attend James’ seminar. This kind of opportunity doesn’t come along too often.

    Posts: 4062

    Is it possible you guys could plan this around my wifes work schedule in the future, of course she is going to be gone that night , wish I was there

    Posts: 1007

    I will be there, any idea what time a person should get there to get a seat. And how long will this last, approximately? Thanks,


    Posts: 4179


    I will be there, any idea what time a person should get there to get a seat. And how long will this last, approximately? Thanks,

    Turnouts have been strong, so I’d plan on 6:30-6:45 to get a seat. James’ seminar is about an hour long with time for formal and informal Q and A afterwards.

    Posts: 4179

    Tonight’s the night guys and gals.

    Make your plans, gas up the vehicle, bring a friend!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    How did it go??

    I missed out, dang work got in the way!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    You missed a great time!!

    Very good seminar, very good people to be around, and Skeeter Boat Center did a top notch job.

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