Zumbro River work in Roch…

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    For the last week they’ve been digging out a sand bar below the Silver Lake Dam where the Cascade runs into the river. Today it has been a steady stream of trucks hauling away the mud/silt being removed. I wonder if this is being put in Foster like the last time this city did something like this? Its always been my understanding that fill of this nature has to remain withing the watershed from which it was taken unless it is being containerized or confined. Foster is a closed system and this stuff hardly belongs in trout water. I asked a driver where he was hauling his load to and he wouldn’t reply.

    Posts: 3


    I agree with you about Foster.

    The “stuff” they put in there last year is
    not the natural habitat that should be in
    Foster and it may ruin the lake.

    There are plenty of other places for them to
    dump the sediments… and lots of holes around
    other than dumping them back into unfamiliar
    waters.. just my .02 !

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