Manny being Manny or……………….

  • Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Turning down $45 million over 2 years?

    I understand that it’s an embarrassing offer after you told all your Red Sox buddies that you would get $100 million over 4 years. But Manny, really who in their right mind is going to pay you that kind of money? You quit on your teammates. You leave the field to take a pee.You play when you want to play.

    Is this another case of Manny being Manny or is it a case of Scot Boras his agent trying to save face?

    If any team caves on this goof they will be the laughing stock of baseball.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    He’s not the brightest bulb in the closet. He can hit like few other, but he’s not somebody I would want for a teammate.

    Another real classy athlete is Marbury. I see he is going to be signed by the Celtics today.

    Must be nice to be a real jerk and get paid millions. I have to do it for free.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 27

    It would be nice if he had to sit out for a year. Deflate the ego a little. Maybe he can hang out with Barry Bonds!

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Manny being Manny! He is a complete idiot! (He’s also the greatest right handed batter baseball has seen in 15 years. Just imagine if he tried …) RR

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    The question nowadays is… did he ever use steroids or performance enhancing drugs ??? Seems some BIG $$$$ players, are becoming tainted these days…. I think every contract should have a disclaimer, if the player is ever found out to have used these things, they pay back every .10 they ever made in the game

    big G

    Lytton Iowa
    Posts: 268

    …..and if he dont get his $100m and has to settle for less and stay in LA — lookout Dodgers when the pouting Manny comes to play

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Manny is just Manny, he actually backs up his mouth and escapades with solid play.

    Marbury…..oh this one really chaps me now. So now the Celtics not only have Garnett and Allen, who could have been teammates in MN, but now they have Garnett, Allen, and Marbury, the guy the Wolves got for Allen!!

    Shows you how bad the Wolves management team has been over the years. Sorry for the sidetrack… back to Manny!

    He’d look good in a Twins uniform and the DH role!


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    It will take Marbury less then 30 days to destroy the Celtics season.

    I wouldn’t pay 10 cents to have that piece of crap shoot hoops in my driveway.

    Just another wannabe who never will be.

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    Manny being Manny is just his excuse for being a dink, idiot, greedy, whatever. Whoever came up with that slogan should be shot.
    I hope noone signs the fool and he never sees a major league roster again.
    Also, about performance enhancing drugs, he is one that I bet never took them. I am sure he takes drugs, but they are more of the partyin type drugs.

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 277

    Aren’t they saying Manny turned down the last offer because part of the payments were deferred? Not that he wanted it to be $100M or nothing.

    I am not trying to argue for or against him…but he is a GREAT hitter!

    Also – you can’t necessarily say the Wolves management screwed up the KG/Marbury combo…it was Marbury and his insistence in playing on a big market NY/NJ team

    E Ashwell
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 423

    Yeah yeah Manny is a beast with the bat but he is a complete dolt. He is worse than Randy Moss in terms of play when I wanna play attitude on a good day. Players like that make me

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    You are right in that some of the payments were to be deferred. Ummmm his last Boston deal was $160 million. Think he needs the money? Speculation is he doesn’t want to do spring training and he will sign next week. If I was the Dodgers I’d pull the offer. Worst thing that could happen would be he signs with San Francisco, which ultimately would be OK.

    Marbury had his chance to be “the man”. He failed. Just another over paid roll player.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362


    Manny is just Manny, he actually backs up his mouth and escapades with solid play.

    Only when he wants to–he is a quitter and a punk. He needs gave up on his teammates. He can’t be trusted to give a solid effort everyday and that is why the piece of crap is still sitting at home!


    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 277


    Ummmm his last Boston deal was $160 million. Think he needs the money?

    Again, I could really care less about Manny, either way….but I do know that I wouldn’t want my paychecks deferred regardless of how much I had made in the past!
    I kind of doubt y’all would either

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Kind of a Manny/Marbury doubleshot going on here.

    I thought the Wolves were geniuses for getting Marbury on draft day. I don’t know that anyone could have predicted what an absolute loser this guy is. But, Ray Allen is a saint and that should have shown through. Besides, did’nt the Wolves consider getting Allen back here around the time they ended up with Sprewell and Cassell?

    Talk about two more bad guys!

    Next Manny quote should be borrowed from Sprewell, “How do you expect me to feed my family on $45 million”!!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    The deferred payments are standard practise in pro sports. You sign a guaranteed contract and the money is good. The only way they could ever get away from paying is if he were released for something in the morals clause. Drugs, gambling, murder ect.

    The more I think about this the more it’s about skipping spring training, at least a major portion of it.

    Posts: 1583

    i think its more scott boras than anything else.

    Eric Pomplun
    janesville, wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    i think thats getting way out of hand. its like he needs all the money in the world. look at the economic times today. i dont understand why they need so much money and besides nobodies going to pay that much. besides hes already earned a ton of money and a couple world series rings too boot.

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