Be grateful for what you have, I sometimes forget

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Recently there has been a fair amount of less than positive news from several of our friends here on IDO. Friends passing, sick children, relatives with major surgery and friends losing jobs etc… I’m down on our government, I think they are leading us down a terrible path. I’ve also whined a ton about my house value. My job isn’t very secure and to be honest the market isn’t blossoming right now.

    BUT…Today, I’ve decided take a look around me and remind myself. I got it pretty darned good. I have 3 beautiful, healthy daughters, a wife who loves me and I got a job. I even got some friends who would do just about anything for me. I’m not sitting in a foreign country getting shot at. I’m not wondering how I’m gonna feed my kids.

    So for those who have been kind enough to share your recent plights, I thank you. You have my deepest sympathy and prayers!! Maybe it’s just me, but every once in a while I simply have to tell myself. “Shut up stupid, you got it pretty darn good!!”

    Posts: 2627

    Amen to that! How very very true

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Your glass always needs to be half full, if it ain’t you will always be looking to fill it instead of enjoying what you have.

    Posts: 1960

    Good post, Kooty. Generally you do not need to look to far to spot someone who is worse off than you.

    All of us would be well served to assess our lives and be thankful for what we have. My wife and I do this often, and it really can turn a bad day into a good day.

    Thanks – Tim

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Well said Kooty.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 27

    So true! More people need to count there blessings instead of sweating the small stuff.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Bingo! I hope everyone takes the time to read what you’re saying.

    Posts: 3835

    Yup we all have it pretty good. If you know anyone who lived through the actual great depression, ask them about being hungry and not having any food or options. Mendotaeye also has the upcoming butt kicking he is about to receive on pool 4 in 2.5 weeks to look forward to.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I agree 100%

    Whenever things don’t go the way I would like, or I hear more of the doom & Gloom…there are a six things in life that remind me of the reality.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    … grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    (edited to qualify as a non religious post)

    Words that have served me well!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13370

    What church was that at? Think I may need to start going again.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    … grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    (edited to qualify as a non religious post)

    Words that have served me well!

    My self included.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    great post, and another Amen from this brother.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Just received a call that my Aunt died this morning.

    Thanks Kooty…just what I needed.

    Posts: 1027

    Great post Kooty. No matter how bad your circumstances are or seem to be you don’t have to look to far or watch much of the 10 PM news to see that there are many people who have things that are much worse.
    As my wifes family learned 3 1/2 years ago when we went through a horrific tragedy, as difficult as it is to deal with the adversity, the rest or the world keeps moving on when your life is in a shambles. So you take it 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day at a time and eventually things start to become normal again. It can be a real test of your faith in God and His devine providence. You feel that He doesn’t care at all about your situation, when He is actually carring you thru it when you lean on Him and put your trust in Him ,and you don’t even realize it until later and you can look back and see how He got you thru it.
    Just like Hookem_9’s post about Avery. He is my son and Avery is my grand daughter. Life doesn’t seem fair, but nobody ever said it would be. You just have to deal with the circumstances as they come and how you deal with them develops your character and integrity and gives you a special gift to help others deal with similar adversities in their lives.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    What church was that at? Think I may need to start going again.

    It wasn’t at church, but I’ll give you a dozen guesses!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884


    What church was that at? Think I may need to start going again.

    Mike, I don’t know where or who photo shopped it. It was the nearest pic I had to get my thought accross

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    Great post Kooty, you are a good man for sharing! Thank you I needed this today. God works in mysterious ways!

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    Couldn’t agree more, thanks Kooty.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    What church was that at? Think I may need to start going again.

    Read my line below

    The thing that blows me away about this whole thing is who ever thought Kooty would be the voice of reason

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Good point, I’ll ask a moderator to blow this away. Don’t want this getting out.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    Good point, I’ll as a moderator to blow this away. Don’t want this getting out.

    I thought I had sensed a softening in your demeanor a while back!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    From the time I left home at age 18 till about age 27-28, I was stone cold broke! Yes, I bought my first house in 1984 for $80k at 17% interest!!! But looking back, those will go down as the best years of my life. Enjoy the struggle, it’s what life is all about.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Nice words Dian…. errr I mean “Kooty” ???? If we truely take stock in what matters, most of us have more than we need to be happy.

    I like the half full glass analogy too

    big G

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Way to go Kooty!!!!

    Yep, since the day that my wife lost her brother and her mother in the same week to different causes, I have been happy to wiggle my toes every a.m. I know its going to be a great day.

    My business has been just hanging on lately and more nights than not, I don’t get a lot sleep any more. But I have all of my family. I have my health (damn cold), my glass is always half full, NEVER half empty and I know I am a survivor.

    I am working harder now than in at any time of my life. I suspect that the way things are, we, not just I, may work until we pass.

    I say a prayer every morning thanking for the opportunity to take on the next challenge, small or large and hoping that all things in the world are at peace, even though I know that is not the case. So many more things that can be said but for now, God Bless and God speed to everyone!!!

    Now I got to go ref a basketball game and have everyone take out their frustrations on me!!! I hope it helps them, I know it does me!!!


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    GOD grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Greater St Michael Area
    Posts: 165

    A better jump start than the stimulus package…..thanks Kooty!

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