in need of some big prayers!

  • Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    well guys, I am posting from inside of her room. she has been awake now for about 3 hours, smiling at me and answering questions with nodding her head. I have her finally down for a nap so I can spend a little puter time. I will fill you in later.


    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 433

    It is GREAT to hear is is getting better. Thanks for all the updates.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    Well today has been an exciting day. When Dad got here this morning I was watching movies. The nurses brought in a portable DVD player and attached it to my bed. I have been watching Little Mermaid II all day.

    I got my drain tube out today!

    Tomorrow I will be having surgery to clear out the lower lung. My white count and CRP both went up again and I have a low grade fever so they want to get the goop out.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    Shane, great news. We hope that she keeps improving at such a great pace.

    Posts: 502

    this is great news. so far so good. i hope she keeps up all the hard work. she is doing amazing and a very strong little girl. shane how long has she been sick for? not to bring any sore thoughts or anything. sorry if you dont wanna answer. but i am very happy to hear all the improvements.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    she had a started a fever sunday Feb 15th and went into the hospital feb 18th. so it is sounding like she will be there another couple of weeks. I will keep you posted, she has surgury tommarow for fluid around her lung that is getting infected, they are also going to try to get her off of dialisys tommarow and see how that goes. If I get a new update tommarow, I will post it as soon as I can.


    Josh Runksmeier
    Pequot Lakes, MN
    Posts: 279

    It will be baby steps Just take them one at a time

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Great news. Thank You Lord.

    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 229

    It’s great to hear the progress and thanks for keeping us updated…God Bless You and your family!

    Posts: 51

    Every day for the past two weeks I have been drawn to this post, reading it typically with a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat. As a father to a 5 year old beautiful little girl, and a spunky 18 mo old little boy, I found myself imagining what hell my life would be to go through what you did, not being able to speak to my daughter. That is the best part of my day, is hearing her say “Daddy’s Home” when I come home from work. Even more saddning is having your little girl going through that wishing every minute if I could somehow take the sickess away I would. Every day I rushed to read this post waiting to hear the news that she opened her eyes and she was just fine. Today is that day, I know she probably has a long way to go..but hearing that she was watching Little Mermain almost brought me to tears.

    I will continue to pray for your little girl and I know everything will work out.

    I want to thank you for sharing your experience with us. I took so much away from your experience and really feel closer to my kids.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    well I am back from a rugged day of running and doing the guys night out tonight. Me and the boys went to chuckee cheese’s tonight for some pizza and pop. we had a blast running through the acards and playing games for 2 1/2 hours, but believe me, my mind was thinking of my baby girl that I didn’t get to see today. I miss her so much, she would come running to great me at the door with the boys. as much as I complained about her kicking me and being a bed hog in our bed between me and mom, I miss that. I miss her playing with her dollies that she has all over the house. I miss hearing the boys yelling at her because she snuck into thier room and stole the toy they where playing with when they wern’t looking and hearing her giggle and scream all through the house as she is running. but most of all, I just miss her, not being able to hug her for over 2 weeks is starting to kill me, there isn’t enough time in the day for me to give her all of the kisses she hasn’t recieved from me in 2 weeks, I would probably chap her cheeks with all of them. her smile, even though I got a quick flash of one yesterday, is wasn’t the big ones I have seen for 3 years. even though I am in this much pain, feel like I am suffering and carrying a huge burden, I am at peace becuase I know that the Lord will sustain me and keep me in his arms when I need that. this isn’t going through hell as alot of people have put when I have talked to them, this is going through an eye opener and reliving a lesson I learned 7 years ago when my wife and I lost our first daughter 10 minuets after she passed away. I guess that really sparked my love for kids, no one can spend enough time with them, but make sure you tell them dailey just how much you love them and give them more of your attention. it is so easy to blame our schedules and work and all of the other distractions that we have every day to not do this, I have turned off the t.v here for 2 weeks and just spent some quality time with my boys.

    but anyway, on to the update, she had surgery today at 1:00 this afternoon. they went and made a small incision on her left side and went through the rib cage to get some more fluid off of her left lung towards the bottom so it can fully expand. the fluid was some blood that drained down the outside of the lung becuase it missed the drainage tube in her chest, so now she will have a drainage tube a little bit lower for about a week to be sure that the fluid is all gone. as far as her left lung goes, it is filled with muicus and they are slowly cleaning that out with a little bit of salene and a little scope that they put down through the resperator tube. I haven’t seen the exrays for today but from yesterdays picture, they are making some steady progress on it. she is still hooked up to dialisys, hopefully they can get her kidneys to start working normal again, but with the shock to her body, they are thinking that it will be a little bit longer before they return to normal action. but slow and steady steps are being made to get back to full health and I know that the Lord is blessing me with the little miracles in her, through her every day. like I have said before, this little princess has done more for God’s kingdom than 100 guys could have done in a lifetime. she is precious and still remains that way today. here is a picture that I look at everyday to remind me that the Lord is present and working, helps with the not being able to hold her.

    sorry for rambling so much in this post, just letting some emotions out. Again, thanks for all of the support from all your families, it means alot to me and my wife.

    God bless you all!!!

    Shane Hildebrandt

    Urbana, IA
    Posts: 120

    No need to be sorry. We’re all praying, for God to give
    the guidance to the doctors for, healing, and relief, with rest for you and all of your family.
    Stay strong and take care.

    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 229

    Shane…I think that it’s great you feel free enough to share your true feelings. Trust me when I say that it helps a bunch to be able to vent emotions…whether it’s with an individual or on a thread like this. It’s important for you to let those emotions out…God knows that if we keep them bottled up we’ll be more apt to let it all out and once and have a major break down. It’s good to hear your love and care for your children. I only have one son, I love him more than life itself and can share your thoughts on ensuring your kids know that you love them. There is not a day that goes by that my boy doesn’t hear those words. I pray each day for you, your daughter and your family. God will strenghten you, and will use this experience to glorify Himself. God Bless You Shane!

    Eagan, Mn
    Posts: 92

    I have been reading this post from the begining and have yet to write, But have never stopped praying. I had a very sick little girl less then two years ago when she was born. I prayed like there was no tomarrow and found God to be there with me through the whole thing. Everyday when i look at my little one, i think of you and each and everynight when we read our prayer book we say one for you, your family and the sweet little girl of yours. Keep the faith and we will keep doing our part.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    Well today has been a very restful day for me. I am scheduled for surgery on Wednesday morning at 9:30 to put in the PD catheter in, they wanted to do this on Friday but since there were problems with bleeding they decided against it. They are also going to replace my IV line with a Broviac line. That will be in my collar bone area but will have a less chance of infection than what I have now in my leg. So Wednesday will be another big day for me.

    My xray this morning looked good, it looks like the dark area got a little bigger than yesterday.

    I got another bath today before Mom was able to get up here. That’s what the nurses get for feeding me and keeping me on my back! HEE HEE HEE

    I will keep you up to date on things going on this week, she is going to have a busy week so please keep on praying for her.



    Posts: 502

    u got it buddy i know ill keep praying as long as she is still not 100 percent she will be in my thoughts. hang in there guys you are all doing amazing

    Posts: 78

    OK guys tomorrow is another big day for kirsten. Lets ALL send some special prayers for kirsten. Lets overflow Gods “inbox”. Shane prayers to the Good Lord for her and your family. May he comfort you and strengthen her through this next step AMEN

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    well she has been into surgery for 18 minuets, I am at home grabbing me a shower and some fresh clothes after working last night and I am heading back up to the hospital. I will try to post more when I get a chance to.


    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    more “Big” prayers being sent out

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    prayers continuing your way…

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    the surgen came out and told us that everything went just fine. so that is good news, mom is sitting here pacing, waiting for her to get back to her room. I will have an update for you all later.


    Posts: 2627

    Hang in there buddy! We are all praying for Kirsten and your whole family.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    ok, here is the official update from mom at her bedside post.

    Well surgery went well this morning. I am resting comfortably again and Mom is using my heat lamps to keep warm she is such a freeze baby.

    They removed one of my chest drain tubes this morning that was nice surprise. They also took out my stitches from where my ECMO cannullas were removed, that is healing up very nicely. My blood transfussion line from surgery last week was also removed.

    They inserted the Broviac catheter into my lower right chest area using the same vein that my dialysis was using just higher up. So they had to remove the dialysis catheters too. My PD catheter is located to the right of my belly button, which is working well so far.

    So to count I had two new tubes added today, but I had five removed!

    thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers.


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607



    AMEN is right on. Thank you Lord for answering prayer.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    here is a new update.

    I had a good night last night. After everything settled down I got a nice bath and my hair washed. I know Mom likes to be here to help, but it sure did feel good to get all cleaned up again from surgery.

    The PD catheter is working well, I am actually peeing some on my own. Plus the nurses cleaned up my IV pumps and consolidated them and removed one of the pump brains. Working on getting rid of this stuff!

    thanks everyone.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    Well, I have had another eventful day, they took out my last chest drain tube! YEAH They are also weaning me off the morphine and versed and I am off the muscle relaxers. So as of the past hour I have been waking up again. But they are watching me closely so I don’t wake up too fast.

    Grandma Darlene is here to see me again on such a happy day, she sure knows how to pick them!

    The PD catheter is still working well and I have peed about 50 ml on my own during the day today! YEAH!

    Posts: 3681

    Hey thats what we have been praying for.
    Hang in there young lady.

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