here is the info for the party, hope to see alot of you all there!1
Wow, it sure feels good to be home. Zach was so excited to see me on Friday, but Lane was a little upset. They thought they were going to come see me at the hospital and stay the weekend. Lane wanted to play in the playroom.
He was ok with it after awhile, but they were both asking Mom and Dad when they were taking me back to the hospital. Silly boys!
I pretty much slept most of Friday and yesterday. I’m more awake today, playing quietly on the floor while the boys are supposed to be napping.
I still don’t have much of an appetite just little nibbles here and there, but I am drinking more than I was in the hospital. So if you could keep praying for me to get my appetite back, after every thing that has happened we all know how powerful prayer is. My Auntie Shelly is selling pink/white or blue/black braclets with Prayer is Power and my name on it, if you would like to purchase one you can contact my Auntie Shelly or my Mom.
My Grandma is also putting together a benefit for me. It is going to be on Sunday, June 7th from 1 to 5 at Hunter’s Inn on Highway 65 in East Bethel (about 1-1/2 Miles north of County Road 22/Viking Boulevard) on the West side. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 kids, you can purchase tickets ahead of time or at the door. With the purchase of the tickets you are eligible to win a prize, not sure what that will be just yet.
Tickets are not available yet, but we will let you know when they are and any other information that becomes available.
let me know through pm if you want to attend or donate to the silent auction.