Prayers for Lanie

  • irisheye
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 6

    God bless you Lanie! I just said my first of many prayers for you and your family as you go through this togh time.
    Sounds like you’ve already been blessed with a great dad! Please let us know how everything turns out, John.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Were all pulling and praying for you Lanie and for strength for the family.


    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    prayers sent!

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom and dad Lanie. I am forever amazed at the spirit and strength children have even when faced with the challenges like scoliosis. I know I speak for any parent here when I say that I’d take every ounce of pain and suffering possible if it would spare my child from it. If adults had half the heart of children like you do Lanie there is no telling where we’d be today.

    Hang in there Lanie and family. Tomorrow is always a better day.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    You got it John

    Best wishes to you and your family.


    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I jsut want to thank everyone for the prayers and well wishes for Lanie. She needed every one! She developed complications during her surgery, about an hour in, and began bleeding heavily. The surgery had to be completed, so the surgical team had to give her over 5 liters of blood besides her own they kept putting back in, and another several liters of blood and plasma after the 9+ hour surgery was complete.

    She basically bled out over 3 times, and then had virtually no blood pressure for 36 hours, and had a series of grand mal siezures in that time. The staff at Shriner’s Hospital for Children in Chicago was the best I’ve encountered, for which we are eternally grateful as well.

    I sincerely believe we would have had a very different outcome had it not been for the vast network of prayers from the family here and a throng of prayer list across the continent that she was benefiting from. I cannot thank you all enough for lifting Lanie up to the Great Healer!

    Blessing to all,


    p.s.- We are now home and she is recovering nicely, but will be in some pain and discomfort for a month or so until the bone grafts on her spine have taken hold. Please remember her in your prayers!

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    Glad to hear everything turned out awsome for you and the family. she looks like a sweetheart in her photo. please keep us in the loop how she is healing. Gods power of prayer is awsome.


    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    John. I’m sorry I completely missed the original post. I’m glad Lanie is doing well. I’ll be praying for her and the rest of your family too. I hope you have some help and some respite lined up. The recovery is going to be hard on the whole family; but I know you folks can handle it. God Bless!

    Joel, Jenine, Alissa, and Drew

    Posts: 123

    She looks like such a sweetie! and what a fighter she must be. My positive thoughts are with you and your family in Lanie’s time of recovery. What a special girl you have.


    Posts: 1960

    John –

    I am glad to hear Lanie is home and recovering. Prayer works. We will keep at it!


    Rosemount/Isle, MN
    Posts: 173

    Our prayers are sent to your daughter and your family. We hope that she will get well soon.

    Sun Prairie, WI
    Posts: 41

    Great news, we will continue to lift her up.

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