
  • jeffa
    Hager City
    Posts: 16

    A while back there was a discussion about a Strikemaster auger model that people considered to be the “best”. It seems like it was a model from a few years ago and some members even knew where there were a few available. Help would be appreciated.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    The Lazer Mag express has a reputation for being a fast cutting gdependable auger. I consider it ” the best. Its fair to say its Strike Masters best selling.

    Otherwise theres the new 4 stroke craze,…the strike lite.
    Grab a Lazer Mag Express and beat he daylights out of it!

    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997


    Grab a Lazer Mag Express and beat he daylights out of it!

    You said it! I Know I have

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