Strikemaster compression release question

  • lunzer
    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 160

    I got a new 8″ LazerMag and in the instructional video it says you should depress the compression release prior to switching the engine off.

    I sent an email asking Strikemaster why they suggest that, but havent heard back yet.

    Anyone have any thoughts as to why you’d want to do that?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Let me know what they respond with. Because I use it starting, but never prior to shutting off. Thanks!!

    Posts: 149

    If the auger was running and you pushed the button in, wouldn’t it just pop right back out? I use it to start but never turning off.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Yes, my thoughts too.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    if you press the compression button in when its running, it kills the motor. i cant say if its a good thing for the motor or not… i’d be curious to know the proper procedure too.

    Posts: 3239

    The only time I use the compression relief valve is to

    turn the unit off.

    I never have to wonder if the switch is on or off!!


    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 160


    If the auger was running and you pushed the button in, wouldn’t it just pop right back out? I use it to start but never turning off.

    When I tried it for the first time, that’s what I expceted too. But it just causes an engine miss and doesnt pop back out. Its also not difficult to pull over without using the compression release, so I guess I dont understand the need for it at all??

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’ve used the release twice…the first time and the last time…I agree, it’s not that hard to pull with out it.

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    I use it to kill the motor everytime. Reason being I’ve gone through 3 recoils, SM advised me to do this and havent had to replace a spring since. IMO I would follow the manuals instructions, I wish I would have earlier on… Live and learn I guess

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4074

    I use the compression every time I shut the auger off. Thats how they do it when I’ve brought it in, so thats how I do it. I’ve actually never taken the toggle off of “on.”

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 160


    I use it to kill the motor everytime. Reason being I’ve gone through 3 recoils, SM advised me to do this and havent had to replace a spring since. IMO I would follow the manuals instructions, I wish I would have earlier on… Live and learn I guess


    Its essentially to extend the life of the recoil.

    I heard back from Stirkemaster and they said that they have had problems with the recoils getting jammed and damaged from the engine stopping on the compression stroke. I’m guessing either the compression doesnt necessarily get released when the button is depressed the next time you start it, depending on where the piston stops (meaning a harder pull on the recoil on startup) OR it may backfire and kick the recoil out and damage it.

    It still doesnt make 100% sense to me, but I know enough to try and use it (whenever I might be thinking about it that is)

    SE MN
    Posts: 178

    I have a 15 year old strikemaster and hope it never dies. I can’t believe the problems or issues with these new ones. Their company and products are second to none in my opinion, but I can’t believe all the issues with these new motors. My advice, try and make the new ones like the old ones, way better in my humble opinion. I just grab the rope and pull, starts up, and when I am done turn the switch off to kill it, been that way for 15 years. I have three buddies that have new strikemasters and all have had to go in to the factory for carb adjustments just to get them to start “ok”. Compression release to save the recoil I have 15 years on a recoil with no issues and no compression release.

    LOL…guess thats my rant for the year. Just small advice from an average guy to a great company (Strikemaster). Please get these issues addressed and corrected, I know my old strikemaster probably won’t last forever, so when I replace it I would like one just like I have only new!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    You guys read the manuals. Where is your purse?

    I use is to start the engine all the time. It definitely turns over easier on my auger. Now I’ll start using to shut down also.

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