I have a 15 year old strikemaster and hope it never dies. I can’t believe the problems or issues with these new ones. Their company and products are second to none in my opinion, but I can’t believe all the issues with these new motors. My advice, try and make the new ones like the old ones, way better in my humble opinion. I just grab the rope and pull, starts up, and when I am done turn the switch off to kill it, been that way for 15 years. I have three buddies that have new strikemasters and all have had to go in to the factory for carb adjustments just to get them to start “ok”. Compression release to save the recoil
I have 15 years on a recoil with no issues and no compression release.
LOL…guess thats my rant for the year. Just small advice from an average guy to a great company (Strikemaster). Please get these issues addressed and corrected, I know my old strikemaster probably won’t last forever, so when I replace it I would like one just like I have only new!