Patience-Not always my best virtue

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    As many of you know, I was laid off a few weeks ago. 39 of us to be exact Then last week I read in the paper that 50 more people were laid off there

    So, obviously I am starting to stress out BIG TIME. As I look at the job postings on-line, in the paper, and a few state run sites, I find the outlook in this general area is pretty bleak.

    I tried to explain to my wife that the manufacturing sector in the Midwest is in very bad shape and there is no future here for a person with no college degree, but I do have a few certificates from the local tech college.

    I tell her the only thing keeping me here right now is that I paid for my EMT classes out of my own pocket and they will not be over until the first weekend in June

    Then my wife, who DOES have patience , keeps reminding me that 10 years ago, we were way worse off. We had virtually nothing to our names and lived paycheck to paycheck. She also keeps reminding me that there are people who have it a lot worse than we do right now. I still don’t understand how she can be so calm in this situation She has a decent job that is pretty secure, while I am collecting a meager unemployment check every week. My manlihood is so low it is in the sewer drain.

    I have open invitations for work in Wyoming, but she refuses to even listen. If I can’t find something by June, I may be forced to pave a new road in my life and head where there is actually work to be had.

    Before anybody says, “Get a college degree”, it isn’t going to happen. Even if I could go to school, a degree takes at least 2 years and I don’t have 2 years. There is also the matter of funding, for reasons that happened in the past, I can’t get federal money ( no, no felony convictions )

    Anybody else feeling the strain of our economy? If so, tell me how you are dealing with the stress

    Rant is now over

    Posts: 1573

    Quite honestly I wouldnt be to worried right now if I was you if you can get by on your wifes job and unemployment for a while.This big bail out check will happen and when it does they are going to be putting money into construction jobs like roads and bridges etc.I think a while back you said you were a welder and they will need some and a bunch of laborers willing to work.I would get out and do some fishing while you can and relax.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    I am retired and this bs is killing me. I may have to go back to work if this thing really tanks. There isn’t a family out there that is looking over there shoulder. You will, like everybody else come back on track. Remember for the most part we are all in the same boat. Good luck and fishing is a great stress reliever as long as you leave the problem at home when you go.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    Have you considered Ashley Furniture in Arcadia?? They always seem to be hiring and the pay is pretty decent from what I’ve heard. They work 3 different shifts too. My wife worked there for 17 years. If you don’t mind the drive this would possibly be an option. Good luck

    Posts: 730

    Don’t give uo AmWats. Something will turn up. And on the subject of Wyoming, I spend alot of time there and you will find alot of VERY nice people there and welders are in demand in the oil fields. I don’t know how old you are, but I’m out there for a month at a time, and it goes fast and you get lucky when you come home.(Sometimes, but I’m old).
    I would take your free time and take a trip out there and investigate. You and your wife might like it. Let me know what area, as I know alot of folks out there.

    Posts: 5130


    take a trip out there and investigate

    I lived out in Gillette for quite a few years growing up and then went back there after high school. My mom, step-dad, and 3 sisters are still living there. I love it out there, but the wife won’t move. The oldest daughter will be a senior in high school, and the twins will be going to high school next year. The wife doesn’t want to make them have to move and try to make new friends this late in their school years. The youngest would adapt just fine though.
    Between the mines, oil, and gas industry, jobs are plentiful. In fact, they can’t get enough people for the jobs they have. The downside is the housing situation can’t keep up with the people moving there.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Watts, theres a company here in town that fabricates the framework for most of the ADM plants here in Iowa, I worked for Walt Dixon the owner when I used to weld and hes done very well for himself. He has a midsized company by fabricating terms and thier building like crazy here in town and with this ADM plant being the biggest build in town, roughly 6 cranes are up in the air, a couple big Manatowauks. Its roughly a 100 acre build for ADM and he just might be hiring welders and I know he probably pays decent. Its a hop skip and a jump from LaCross down to here, about a 2 1/2 hr drive. You could work here during the week then go home friday night. I will call him and check and see if hes looking for anyone if you want, I know he was busy with this major build for ADM. and the other ADM plants here in Iowa. Theres quit a few millwright companies here in town too that service the plants here. Rents also very reasonable compared to the wages. Let me know if you want some help.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353

    This site and the people on this site amaze me each and everyday. No matter the situation, the discussion, or whatever, someone always seems like they can help, offer assistance, or even pull a few strings.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206


    I’m in the same boat you are (laid off in December)& my wife doesn’t work….. can drive you crazy if you let it. Network, network, network. The next job you find probably won’t be on Monster – it will be word of mouth. A friend from La Crosse stayed with us this week to help rebuild a church in Crystal, MN as a volunteer – he lost his trucking company and is also looking for work. You may hear from him…… Keep the faith, find something productive to do – fishing is good, community service is good, – the sun will come up tomorrow. Donating my time for something that I don’t get to do professionally (remodeling/contruction) has helped me keep my sanity. Hope this helps.

    Best Wishes,

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    Hey dude, don’t wallow. When you get thrown, dust off, get up, and get after it again. Stuff ain’t so bad yet, jobs are still 2 b had. Have u ever thought abt the railroad? My buddy just got hired on down here (madison), and hes a reformed drug addict with a few felonies who is finally doing right.

    Anyway- I’ll say this next part carefully since i don’t mean disrespect and i’ve spent some time in your boat. You seem to get on here and talk abt how bad things are in the midwest, cant find a job and life in general sucks… but everything would be perfect in wyoming. so then-go. Lifes too short (read RiverEyes). And if ya can’t b/c of your family-sacrifice for now and work on the concept of getting out there someday. I seems that a lot of your angst comes from not being happy here. I’m guessing that comes out in your everyday life too—including job interviews. Stop pissin and moanin on this website and take some action. Man up cowboy.

    Just some friendly advice-take it for what its worth. And remember, taking care of kids is a noble fuggin task. Your lucky that your wifes salary can support u for now. Go fishing for a day, spend some time with the kids, and then be assertive and make your future.

    Best of Luck. Keep your head up and keep your attitude positive.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Hey Mike,

    Can I be brutally honest?? You know me. I’m gonna be. I just found out my job is going away soon. I’ve talked to my wife. She has a great job!! But, we can’t live like we do now or even close on her salary. Yes, we have lived excessively. Our own fault, not saying you have.

    You have to be willing to relocate. I’m looking from Billings to Omaha, to Des Moines to SD. I feel you are painting yourself into a situation that may turn out great, or it may not. It flat out sucks. I love my friends here and the lifestyle we have. “here” may not be what is best for my family.

    What is most important to me is feeding my kids and putting a roof over their head. So, if you can do that where you are at, great. However, if that gets in jeopardy, then do what is necessary to give your kids a good HOME. That may mean moving.

    Sorry to pee in the cherios!! I believe it is our responsibility to give our children every opportunity to succeed. I appreciate your wife’s standpoint, but I believe you need to be flexible.

    Cudahy, Wis.
    Posts: 936

    Hey Wats, Have you ever considered an apprenticeship, from what I’m reading you have welding skills, Think about this: I’m a retired 61 yr. old Steamfitter, you can apply for an apprenticeship, go to school , getting paid while you learn and have a skilled trade under your belt. Why for heaven’s sake you could even get a special welders certification on pipe and (if you had to travel) go anywhere for employment.Good certified welders are always in demand. I don’t regret the 34yrs. I spent in the trade.Good luck and think POSITIVE “Hairjig”

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I know theres going to be miles of new pipe that need to be fit on this new ADM plant here in town. Theres also a coal fired plant on the edge of town and there been fitters working there all winter, the two parking lots are full of fitters and welders cars and trucks. Plus theres another coal fired plant here in town that went under during the flood, I don’t know whats going on there forsure. If you can heli-arc stainless and aluminum pipe Mike there putting in miles of it on the ADM build and its mostly all union shop, most of the labor is union working there. I know theres going to be miles of conveyers and augers going into this new grinding operation at ADM. Right now they make a million gallons of ethonol alcohol daily at this same plant and have two co-generation electrical plants that run the entire operation. I do have an old friend that I went to school with and have kept in contact with through the years and hes a pipefitter/steamfitter, I could call Dean and see what it would take to get you into the local here, I know everybodys thats skilled is working in this area. Theres also two companies that build rock crushers and one also builds asphalt pavers but whats happened with the world wide economy I don’t know forsure whats happened there but could find out for you. Theres also a company that builds those huge windmills thats the government is really pushing right now and I heard they are sold out with orders for the next 20 years, this is a big company and employ hundreds. I could give you a list of names and numbers for those companies and unions but I know it takes money to call long distance so I could do it for you, I don’t mind. Let me know if your interisted.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Yup the market sucks! They’re laying off where I work too. I made it through the last set but who knows. I just keep on doing my best and putting away money just incase. There are some jobs out there but they are hard to come by. Just keep on looking and eventually you find something you like.

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