New Gun Control Bill in Congress

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    states like Colorado,Wyoming,Montana etc may not go for this

    I would suggest if a bill like this actually passed those states and other would want to succeed from the union. It would be the beginning of the end for this country!


    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464


    I for one hope it passes. I can’t stand handguns, nor do I see the need for them.


    I own several shotguns. I use them for shooting pheasants, turkey, and quail.

    Both quotes above come from one person, jwitt. Absolutely unbelievable that the same person could possibly formulate both of those thoughts and then actually communicate them. You hope the additional regulations pass because you “can’t stand” handguns yet you own and use several shotguns. Do you honestly believe that if these laws effectively restrict or eliminate hand guns that the gun control battle is over? Honest now I expect you to answer this! If hand guns were to be banned and turned in by the end of the month do you really think the gun control (More like citizen control) issue will be over? I promise you your shotguns will be targeted next buddy. Your attempt at separating yourself from hand gun owners because you are a shot gun owner is very curious.

    I’ll ask you, jwitt, directly and to this I also expect an answer. (No one ever wants to answer this either.) If outlawing murder didn’t work to prevent murder then why will outlawing (Ok restricting) guns suddenly prevent murder? Is it different in Phoenix?

    So tell me are you really willing to go take a giant crap on the graves of those who BLED and DIED to give us the freedoms we enjoy? Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither And Will Lose Both!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    My proboscis has been twitching wildly and, without mentioning a name, I suspect it is trying to tell me it smells what it senses to be a political implant. Of course, I could be wrong and in support of that possibility, I ask you, who else would describe a parasite circumnavigating to moon as a lunar tick (sp)?

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