Mississippi Pools?

  • FlightBob
    East Central MN
    Posts: 21

    Hello all,
    This is my first year really getting into ice fishing in MN. I have heard much talk about fishing in the Mississippi “Pools”. I looked on the MN DNR lake finder, but they had little information. Does anybody have any suggestions as to which one to go to near the metro and how to get there? Thanks for any information.
    Best of luck to everybody.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey Bob…I’m a little cautious about your question since this is your first year ice fishing.

    POOL 2 is from the Ford Dam to the Hastings Dam (Lock and Dam No. 2.

    Pool 3 is from the Hastings Dam to Red Wing (Welsh) (L&D No. 3)

    Pool 4 is from the Redwing Dam all of some 40+ miles to Winona. This includes Lake Pepin.

    Ice fishing on the river without some guidance is not recommended by me. There are some bays that freeze over, Red Wing has at least one and there are people fishing ice on Pepin.

    Remember the river is moving…and that means changing ice conditions. In fact places on Pool 3 near Prescot WI that were frozen solid last week are wide open today.

    The St Croix by Bayport has a “shanty town” that would be a good place to start. Read Turk’s report in the MN/St Croix River forum for an up to date report.

    Again the river never sleeps and more so in the winter months.

    Good fishing!

    East Central MN
    Posts: 21

    Thank you Brian,
    I will heed your cautions of the river. I know they can be tricky as well as a little dangerous. I will take your suggestions. I have heard a lot about pool 4 and look forward to going out there.
    Good Luck fishing Brian
    Thanks again

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I have heard a lot about pool 4 and look forward to going out there.

    Leave your ice gear at home my friend! Hook up your boat and head down to Everts Fishing Resort. Tell Dean it’s your first time there…and your launch fee is on the house!

    Ask which BfishN Tackle plastics are working and how to work them. Dean will get you set up and if the fishing lords are looking down on you well that day…Dean will take your photo with your fish for all of us to see!


    Best commercial I’ve got!

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    not to be a smart but pool 4 only goes down to alma. winona is acutally part of pool 6

    Posts: 1552

    I think he was thinking of Wabasha. They both begin with a W so he was close.

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