I was wondering and I am sure that this has been discussed before but if you are ice fishing what is the general rule about fishing by others? Jigging and tip-up fishing? 50 feet 100 yards, 10 feet? what is sportsman like? I understand that the state of wisconsin has a “inpeedment rule” meaning if you are obstructing my ability to perform my outdoor activity you are inpeeding. let me explain again. I am tip-up fishing and another fisherman lets call him a “jigger” drills several holes within feet of my tip-up what do you do? is this inpeedment or is the jigger just unsportsmen? Another question. I am the “jigger” in an area with not another person for several hundred yards and another person comes within feet of me and starts drilling holes. Inpeedment or unsportsmen or just fine? What do you do? Would I be wrong in both cases to tell them to find another place to fish or do you call the DNR? Bite your lip and remember them for the next time ” do unto others”? What do you do? I am sure most of you have been in this boat before so a little help would be wonderful…
February 1, 2009 at 5:52 am