Pool 8-9 Cell Phone Service

  • Batman09
    Posts: 121

    Are there any cell phone companies that have good coverage along pool 8 and 9?
    My Nextel took a drink yesterday and now we’re looking at switching to Verizon. I’d like to have something that worked up there, and our Nextels were always weak unless we were close to LaCrosse.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13378

    Nextel has to be the worst for serivce but from what I am hearing sprint is much better. I still dont get how the same company doesnt run all there service on the same towers. A good example was going to red lake last weekend. No Nextel from just north of the twin cities. sprint service came in on Red Lake.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    U.S. Cell has been good for me on all of pool 8 and the upper part of 9. I haven’t really fished the lower part so I can’t comment on it.


    Posts: 255

    i have us cellular and have service almost everywhere i go even places i wish i didnt have service

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    I have to agree with Gut, I have us cellular and ive never had a problem anywhere.

    Posts: 730

    I’ve had ’em all, and the only one I have been really happy with is Verizon. They have bought out Qwest,and AllTel as well.
    I travel alot to Wyo.,S.D., and northern Mn. and I very seldom udder those words “G#%*d#%@m phone”!

    Posts: 1

    I have alltel and does not work great on pool 9

    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    I have alltell as well, and it works some on pool 9, but its far from good.

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765

    US Cellular works well for me on the river…pool 7-9. Just don’t like the bill every month!!!


    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 172

    I would say Alltel, I haven’t had any trouble with them at all

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 70

    Sprint has great coverage along the river and they have a plan called simply everything. The plan gives you unlimited mins (domestic roaming included), unlimited internet, unlimited text,and unlimited pic and video mail for $99. They also have a 30 day policy if your not satified with the service everything is refunded except for that months service charge. Yes Sprint Nextel are now one company, but the cell phone technology works off different signal frequency so they don’t share towers.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I work for U.S. Cellular, so any advice I give regarding who to go with where we have coverage would be biased. Even though Sprint / Nextel are “technically” the same company, they are still run as two seperate entities, and run on two different networks. Just because you get poor service with nextel, doesn’t mean you will with sprint. The only thing to keep in mind with either one is that there is a reason they are losing millions of customers per quarter when nobody else is. You should consider more factors in your choice than just network strength.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    Sprint has great coverage along the river and they have a plan called simply everything. The plan gives you unlimited mins (domestic roaming included), unlimited internet, unlimited text,and unlimited pic and video mail for $99. They also have a 30 day policy if your not satified with the service everything is refunded except for that months service charge. Yes Sprint Nextel are now one company, but the cell phone technology works off different signal frequency so they don’t share towers.

    I highly recommend this. I travel probably more than most on this site…and I travel along the River from MN through Iowa to Cedar Rapids back up to Calumet MI to Fergus Falls MN…and Sprint keeps me hooked up in all places. Never EVER could say that with Verizon and ATT. In fact Verizon let me out of 3 contracts because I did not have service in certain areas.

    Posts: 121


    You should consider more factors in your choice than just network strength.

    …like the “Sprint Surcharge” on the nextel invoice? “Sprint Surcharges are rates we choose to collect from you” lmao! I tell ya what, i’m going to implement a Phishook surcharge. One punch in the nose if you charge me anything.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107


    …and Sprint keeps me hooked up in all places.

    Sprint always gets a bad rap. I’ve had them for years, and I don’t have a complaint yet. I have service on the middle of Mille Lacs and on Red Lake. I’ve heard the customer service sucks, but I never have to call.

    Sorry, don’t know about pool 9.

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765

    [quote I tell ya what, i’m going to implement a Phishook surcharge. One punch in the nose if you charge me anything.

    That is a good one!!!

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419


    Are there any cell phone companies that have good coverage along pool 8 and 9?


    Posts: 5130



    Great response
    To answer your question, I have good coverage using Alltel, which I gues is now owned by Verizon.

    Posts: 121

    went with Verizon. need to plan another road trip to see how it works along 90 and 35. Hwy 14 is the worst. You’d think you fell off the earth after you get past Madison.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    actually I use Virgin Mobile and it works great up and down the river.. and its only $20 every 90 days.. its pay as you go.. but if you only need a phone on a limited basis.. like I do..( I don’t need to talk to someone while fishing, or in the mall or in the car..unless I call into sports radio )

    anyway mine works great.. and I am not afraid to share my info without some one having to pay for it..

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