Wed. night Northern Lights

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Any of you “up nort” people catch the display Wed. night? From what I could see down to Hudson was a display blocked on the lower half by a broken cloud bank with “wave” bursts pulsating up to the starry darkness. Every now and then a new spot would form and glow with intense lighting and then slowly fade off.

    I wished I would’ve had a camera capable of capturing some of this. What really made this sighting unique was the color of the sky as you looked northward. You know in the summer when you’re heading to that magic fishing spot in the dark…………and then in the east, there gets to be that “daybreak blue” in the NE/Eastern sky…………..peeking through distant high cirrus clouds? That’s how the northern horizon looked Wed. night between 1:30am and 3:00am. Not just a spot, but the whole northern horizon! Spectacular!

    It was an absolute fluke that I was even awake at that hour, but it sure made the sacrifice easier to endure!!!

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123

    Was out on Mille Lacs last night and the Northern lights where unbelievable. It was happening on all sides of us, West, North, and East. It went on from about 10:30 was still going when we left around 12:30

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