I got my finger on the button.
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Historical day
January 22, 2009 at 3:53 am #740162
That’s good Chris. But aren’t you one of the guys who sometimes push threads into the “locked” position to begin with? But hey, that kind of goes with the times anyway.
January 22, 2009 at 3:57 am #740164Yep! And for me to have my finger on the trigger should tell you something!
Personal attacks are where I draw the line. And we are close here. I didn’t vote for him either. I have my reasons why I think he got elected. But I am not going to lose any fishing buddies over something political. We fish to get away from this kind of stuff!
I like sharing thoughts. Heck, I even read the stuff Big G writes!
When it starts getting personal, nothing good happens.
January 22, 2009 at 4:12 am #740180Quote:
Like him or hate him today is a very historical day. Today is the one day in your lifetime that history is being made before hand. Katrina, 9-11,moon walk,wars all became history after the fact.
President elect Obama will be sworn in as the first black person to be President of the United States.
Take a few minutes to discuss this at your dinner table this evening.
History is being made today.
Good post, Brian. This was certainly an historical event. It is indeed a mark of incredible social progress for our country. I can only imagine how black men and women who lived through the dark years of violence and segregation must feel today. It must truly be overwhelming for them and their families to witness a black man elected to the most powerful position on the planet. It’s truly amazing.
January 22, 2009 at 4:31 am #740188Quote:
i think i’ll hold off on erecting statues for a few years
Don’t worry, it will take AT LEAST that long to finish erecting all the statues of President Bush….
I personally like Obama. The thing is the whole “Get rid of race” thing (hyphen) that you guys are talking about is exactly what he stands for. Unless you truely believe (which I guess a lot of people do) that he is going to bust into your house and steal your guns, then we should all be embracing this man with open arms. Not because he’s black, not because he’s a “celebrity” but because he’s our president, and he stands for improving the well-being of the common people-and I’m pretty sure it is safe to say that IDO consists 99% of average joe (the plummer
) Americans.
January 22, 2009 at 3:00 pm #740271Wow, I just heard that it truly was a historical event. Turns out the inauguration will cost, when all said and done, over 170 million bucks. Definitely the most in History.
On a side note, Bush’s inauguration cost around 40 million…
January 22, 2009 at 3:32 pm #740298but then that figure for Obamas included security… which added up to over 115 million because of the size of the crowd which attended… I heard Bushes number didnt include security.. or if it did.. I guess they didnt need to worry about the much much smaller crowd that showed up….. therefore their numbers were not much different and were simply a matter of scale… larger crowd=larger cost and not much to be done about it…. for instance they had a HUGE number of porta potties…. but even so there was only 1 per 400 people….
January 22, 2009 at 4:36 pm #740335Either way, we managed to spend 170 million in his first day, lol. I did a little chicken scratch math and figured that we may be able to look forward to $248,200,000,000 in unnecessary spending in the chosen ones first term.
Can u feel the change????
January 22, 2009 at 6:03 pm #740361Quote:
Turns out the inauguration will cost, when all said and done, over 170 million bucks. Definitely the most in History.
On a side note, Bush’s inauguration cost around 40 million…
Actuwally Bush’s inauguration was around 135 million.
January 23, 2009 at 12:13 am #740477It truly was historic since the Fergus Falls Otter’s Marching Band was there! Go Otters!
That being said, I’ll keep my guns, freedom, and money!
You can keep the “change”I don’t believe the gov’t, state and federal should be the largest employer in the nation…do you?
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