in short he wasnt elected because he was black… he was elected because the most people felt he was the best option
I would argue that more first time voters voted for him because he is black than vote for him because he was a democrat.
One could also say, many first time voters & even longtime voters, did not vote for him because he is black…. I think a fair statement.
big G
He wasn’t elected because he is black? Could have fooled me. I watched as much of the circus on TV last night as i could stand. And not ONCE did a black celebrity, of which there were many, say anything about electing the best candidate. Over and over they commented on how GREAT the United States are “now”. Now? Listen pal, America has been great since inception and will remain great regardless of what this man the media elected does or doesn’t do.
The election of a black man is not historic. The election of a woman will not be historic. Notice those saying that are also those responsible for making headlines that sell. What will be impressive is when someone realizes affirmative action is no longer needed. But don’t hold your breath.
Obiden is now president and I will hope for the best. But I think we should save the Lifetime Achievement Award for when he actually does something other than get himself elected. (By the way the only real talent any politician has is the talent of getting themselves elected. Ever notice that?)
One more thing. The last administration was not voted out as has been said twice in this thread. He simply reached the term limit. That is an important note as I believe if said the wrong way long enough most Americans would begin to believe it. Also the President does NOT authorize money. Congress does. The people responsible for the debt is still in office and has only just begun spending the big money. There is no debate in that as all that has to be done is to wait 4-6 weeks for the next 850 BILLION stimulus to get passed. Want excitement? Read the quick facts of that one! Free ice cream anyone?