Historical day

  • Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Like him or hate him today is a very historical day. Today is the one day in your lifetime that history is being made before hand. Katrina, 9-11,moon walk,wars all became history after the fact.

    President elect Obama will be sworn in as the first black person to be President of the United States.

    Take a few minutes to discuss this at your dinner table this evening.

    History is being made today.

    Cudahy, Wis.
    Posts: 936

    Brian, I think a better term would be Afro – American, that would be politically correct.. “Hairjig”

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I didn’t vote for him but I completely agree with you, Brian. Good post.

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Today will be marked as either the start of one of the greatest or the worst Presidencies in US history. The promises and expectations have been set so high that there is no middle ground here. I Pray that it will be one of the Greatest.

    My wife wants me to correct some of you… he is of mixed race… a mut just like me. She loves that mut thing.. and constantly reminds me that “mut” is okay to say since the President elect said it about himself… thanks alot Mr. Obama I went from honored husband,( right????), to mut.

    Posts: 711

    i think i’ll hold off on erecting statues for a few years and see what direction he leads our country, i don’t care what color he is. after 4 years if all we will remember him by is the color of his skin thats not good. don’t get me wrong he is our president and i support him 100% and i hope he is one of the greatest presidents we ever had.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I don’t know if all of this crazy hoopla is because he is black or because everybody thinks he is the next messiah and they will wake up tomorrow and everything will be perfect. I don’t think it matters if he ends up being a bad, good, or great president; there is no way he will live up to the unbelievable expectations people have of him, kind of like when the expectations are built up for a movie or sporting event. People always end up being disappointed. I wonder how disappointed this lady will be when she finds out that in fact she needs to keep working and pay her own mortgage and gas.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    This is a historic day and I look forward to some of this change. I wish the people at work would stop watching the streaming video though because it is slowing our systems wayyyyyy down. Get back to work! (3 minutes to type this)

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I don’t know if all of this crazy hoopla is because he is black or because everybody thinks he is the next messiah and they will wake up tomorrow and everything will be perfect. I don’t think it matters if he ends up being a bad, good, or great president; there is no way he will live up to the unbelievable expectations people have of him, kind of like when the expectations are built up for a movie or sporting event. People always end up being disappointed. I wonder how disappointed this lady will be when she finds out that in fact she needs to keep working and pay her own mortgage and gas.

    I couldn’t agree more. My cousin thinks this guy is going to save the world. I hope he does, but I have a feeling no matter what he accomplishes, he will never live up to expectations. I sure hope he doesn’t meet mine. I’m scared to death of him and his regime.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Regardless of your political beliefs… and I don’t give a crap about what race this man is… I believe we all need to (for the sake of our country) wish this man complete success as the leader of our great nation

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    He got voted in by ramming the “change” mantra down everyone’s throat’s. Now it is up to the same people to make sure that change occurs…

    So far I seem to see alot of people from the Clinton Admin, not to mention a few former lobbyists running major government departments. Not a good sign.

    Yes, this will be a topic at dinner tonight I am sure. My 8 year old will have questions as she does each day, and it is my responsibility to answer them.

    Posts: 1493

    How do you type a fart???

    Posts: 1573

    There is no doubt he has his work cut out for him.However maybe we need someone a little different to straighten out how Washington works.Hopefully he has the balls to stand up and trim the fat out of washington instead of trimming trees in Texas

    Posts: 329

    My only hope is that the new President lives up to the oath of office he took when he was sworn in. That being said that he would protect and defend the constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Namely the 2nd amendment a persons right to keep and bear arms. His voting record does not look very good nor the Vice Presidents as he was the one who pushed the Clinton gun ban of 94.

    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    I believe in accountability, and in my eyes the past administration did a poor job, therefore was fired. Unfortunately, every incoming administration has all these high hopes and promises – yet very few, if any, ever happen. I do think world relations will improve, but will be surprised if any other problem areas improve substantially. I will sure give him my support for the next 4 years and hope that he does lead this country as promised. If not, I will be looking for another change in administrations. It truly is a historical moment.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    I hope I am wrong in this but I don’t think he can ever live up to the hype that has been piled on him by the media. His acceptance speech was reported, even before he gave it, to end up “chiseled in marble”. I listened to every word of the speech and nothing sounded any different from his campaign speeches. The only thing in the whole inaugeral program that stood out for me was the fact that at the end of the benediction Reverend Lowery included every race but found it necessary to say that “whites should embrace what is right”. If change is the biggest thing that Obama is preaching, then maybe there should be change in the tactics of the “Jackson types”. Of course then that would cut into their financial “bottom line”

    Posts: 507

    Not to venture off topic…But why is the Vice Presidents Oath different from that of the President’s? I’m mostly wandering about why the V.P.’s included to protect against all enemies foriegn and domestic.. and the President’s Oath doesn’t include this part? I understand that they are two different jobs, but I would think that part would be included in both???

    Posts: 1573

    I wondered the same thing but they said the Judge didnt bring his notes and kind of messed up a little.So maybe it was supposed to be the same but Im not sure.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    The media is the onoe that elected this president. Will see how long they stand behind him if/when things don’t work out the way people expected it to. I didn’t vote for him but wish him the best of luck.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608


    I wondered the same thing but they said the Judge didnt bring his notes and kind of messed up a little.So maybe it was supposed to be the same but Im not sure.

    I just heard on the new that the supreme court is being questioned on the validity of the swearing in because of what seemed to be a mistake made by the chief justice when administering the oath.

    Posts: 1573

    What I heard is it didnt matter he was still swore in.But Ill bet the Judge brings his notes the next time

    Posts: 507

    From a little google work it actaully appears that the two oaths are supposed to be different. According to the text I read…Both oaths were worded correctly and were supposed to be different. I still dont understand why they are that much different????

    However, the oath was bobbled a bit by Obama first when he started in early on the first phrase, and then chief Justice Roberts made a mistake and put the word “faithfully” in the wrong part of the sentance.

    Other than that it seems that it was correct..

    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    I was in D.C. with the Freedom Honor Flight in October and I was thinking of Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Roosevelt and wondering when we would get a real leader like one of them. I’m actually praying that Obama will be that guy. Whether he becomes great or not I agree this is a great time for our country it has been needed for a long time maybe now we will reunite as one and become the country we should be. But I think it will take all of us treating our neighbors as ourselves type of thing. God Bless The USA!!

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I voted for the other guy, but regardless of that, he is my new president and I wish him the best of luck in a difficult situation.

    I do know that he is a better speaker then the last guy so at least Americans don’t all look stupid

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    Didn’t vote for him (voted for Clinton twice, Bush twice), wish him the best. Obviously if he does well, we all do well.

    What scares/annoys me the most is his followers and how he seems to be the second coming already and he hasn’t done jack squat yet, except screw up a couple of his appointees like the CIA Director but that job’s not really important now, is it?

    I also have the feeling that whatever he does is going to be seen as miraculous in the follower’s and the media’s eyes anyway so he’s really going to have to screw up to hear anything about it.

    I figure he’ll get a 6 year free pass. Hopefully he won’t need it and I hope I’m wrong.

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106

    It still bugs me that they taut him as the first black/negro/colored/African American president when he is half white? Why isn’t he the first bi-racial president? Or the 44th half white president? Or the first half black president? It’s a total media spin!! All I saw was African American people being interviewed and no none African Americans. And also no non democrats! It’s so totally skewed to the left!! And having him compared to Lincoln or Kennedy when he hasn’t even been in office yet? These people really have no clue. I really do hope he can do something for the country. Why would I want anything else? I hope he can undo what the Clinton administration had done for the home mortgage business (you know the sub prime loans? It sure wasn’t 911 and the Iraq war that took down our financial system?). And people are thinking it’s going to be quick. We’ll see. We’ll just see.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Well. How do I put this kindly? Today is no different than yesterday, tomorrow, or next Thursday. That’s right, no different. Not to me. But then again I didn’t vote for color and have no intentions of becoming enamored with it. For all the strides we’ve supposedly taken to eradicate racism it absolutely blows my mind how much attention has been paid to it the last two months. If race doesn’t matter then why is it the subject first discussed everytime I turn the TV on?

    No offense but I’m not at all impressed with the frivolous circumstance surrounding this guy. He’ll prove, through his actions, if he is a good president or not. No sooner, no later. I swear some people are more than ready to anoint this guy the best thing since sliced bread. Personally I’d rather focus on his actions than his race.

    No offense anyone.

    West Salem,WI
    Posts: 211

    I’m behind the flag 100%.Will it be stars or a sickle?I got plenty of ammo,so I’m goin fishin for now.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    I have never sat around and waited for a president to make my life or country better. I was taught, if that’s what I want, then I have to work at it and make it happen. If anybodys waiting for a messiah or someone in Washington to improve their life, their in for a L O N G wait. I will wait and see for nothing, I work at it everyday.

    big G

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I won’t get behind President Obama on issues I don’t believe in. I believe in limited/small government, low taxes, states rights, economic freedom, private property you get my drift. So I would have to chuck a lot of my principles to get behind the new president. Hell, I would have to chuck them to get behind a President McCain. Hopefully this isn’t the latest attempt to make the US a socialist country. But it sure looks that way to me. Good luck.


    Posts: 2294

    I’m sick and tired of the media making this out as the second coming JFK and Camelot.

    I seriously doubt he has the experience or knowledge to lead us out of the situation this country is in today. That said, it will take 6-8 years minimum before it happens. Will the people give him a second term? If he tries to raise taxess, we won’t! All business’ have to run on a budget. Our Government included.

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