You make some great points Jack and I agree with you. It’s not always about catching fish when you go fishing. Actually, some of my best memories on the water are when the fish were not cooperating and therefore led to some great conversations and story telling.
These comments below are not directed at you Jack either. This is a very good topic with both sides making good points!
Maybe a guy should file a lawsuit stating that it is discriminatory against open water anglers who can only use one line compared to ice anglers that can use two! 
I know this is exaggerating a point, but why do ice anglers get two lines and open water anglers don’t? And please don’t preach hooking mortality due to water temps… 
Here are a couple of other questions:
Do you think using two lines during the ice angling season is having a negative impact on the fishing industry in MN?
What if we changed the law to say that you can only use one line for ice angling? Do you think that would improve the overall quality of fishing in MN?
Kind of interesting when you look it that way isn’t it? I realize there are more open water anglers versus ice anglers. However, if using two lines is a bad thing (increased fishing pressure, hooking mortality, more fish caught/harvested) then make the law one line for both types of angling (ice and open water).
Even though I’m in favor of changing the law to two lines year round, I don’t think it should be for free. Let’s use this as an opportunity to increase our quality of fishing! For those anglers who want to use two lines, maybe should have to pay for a stamp for this privilege (the state of CO does this). Then let’s use that money to improve our overall quality of fishing (by introducing more stocking for example). Would you be in favor of this?
In addition, maybe those anglers who want to buy a stamp to use two lines, must attend or complete a “quality of fishing course” that teaches simple concepts such as proper handling of fish, the importance of CPR, etc… Let’s use this change in law to educate more anglers and improve our overall quality of fishing!