Anyone else lose ther job?

  • bigcrappie
    Posts: 4501

    Just got the phone call yesterday from my manager who is out west on a trip, that my job position was being eliminated along with 300 other people at my company. What a feeling to get walked out the front door at 11 in the morning. How do you other guys deal with it? Spending time with my 2 1/2 year old and my new born helped me this morning. But no sleep and not eating I will loose some weight (good side to this)

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m very sorry to hear that!! I suspect we’ll be seeing more and more of this over the next couple years.

    Posts: 38

    Its happened twice to me, it is never easy. If they offer you a placement service definitely take advantage of it as they will help spif up your resume. Career Builder and Monster are good places to post a resume. Good Luck to you.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1824

    Good luck with everything. This job market kinda scares me. I work in sales and it seems that every way they can stick it to us, they will. I hope that everything works out for you.

    Posts: 178

    Sorry to hear that.I went through the same thing a while back,I understand how you are feeling. After the shock,anger,and all the other emotions subside and they will.The key is to form a plan , look at this as an opportunity,you are not out of a job,finding a job or whole new career is now your full time job,if you spend 40 hours a week working toward this goal you and your family will be fine.
    Good luck.

    BrianK’s Cousin
    Posts: 84

    I lost mine about two years ago. Somehow, another door opened for me and I’m now the “Dam Clerk” and consider myself very lucky. Check out for federal jobs. Good Luck!!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Sorry to hear that. Several years ago during the last recession at a different job, I had just gotten a promotion and bought my first townhouse. I closed on a Friday and the next Monday they started the first round of layoffs (of which I think they are up to 20 or so rounds now) and my phone rang. I thought I was going to throw up. I went to my manager’s office and said I had a choice, to be laid off or take my old job. Needless to say I took the old job back. I still get a bit of a sick feeling anytime the topic of layoffs comes up around work. The problem with Monster and CareerBuilder is everybody is applying for those jobs. You would probably be better to mentioned on here what you do and maybe someone has an inside track on a job. Granted the market is not too good right now. Hopefully everything works out.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I read all the pyscho babble about how you are not your job… you cant be defined by your job.. if you loose your job you shouldnt loose yourself…. blah blah blah… Ive been very lucky so far and havent been in those shoes… they say you should plan ahead for it… man… guess I havent planned ahead… for instance I have a serious health condition… wow.. that was poor planning huh? our health care is tied to jobs… you dont get more screwed over than dead do ya? without good health care thats what Id be looking at… then of course there is money… well.. I guess I should have planned on being divorced and having 50% of my money out of every check go to her… but I guess that makes me used to being poor….
    well. anyway… I feel for you and all who loose their jobs… I hope they figure out a way to reverse this economy… its NOT looking good….

    marion IA
    Posts: 199

    I know how you feel got laidoff last friday. It really suckd the Iowa Unmenployment does not pay crap. hang in there things will get better

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    Sorry to hear about you loss, like they have said, look at it as an opptunity.
    On a side note I can’t loose my job, I do not have one after moving here.
    Best of luck to you

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    My heart goes out to you. Good luck and give the future a chance to open up to you.

    Posts: 4062

    Very sorry to that

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    yep know the feeling lost mine in Nov. plant closed and moved to mexico go figure. got a new job offer and was to start Jan. 5th took the drug test and that same day got a call saying they got a freeze on hiring hoping things will pickup and I get another call. Just passing the time on the ice and trying to stay busy.

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