Next Step- EMT Basic

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    Since I am laid off for awhile, I plan on making full use of my down time by taking the EMT Basic course through the local college. I am already a firefighter/first responder, but I can’t get enough of the medical side of the Fire Department.

    It will tie up every Saturday from Jan 24-May 23, but it is something I am willing to sacrifice to get better at my patient care skills. It will also open a few more doors for employment in the area and those jobs are a little more secure. I always said I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I have finally found something I really enjoy and can see doing for many years.

    Once I finish this course, I may keep going to get the rest of the EMT certifications above the Basic. I may be getting too old to consider going all the way to a Paramedic, but it would be nice.

    One thing about the EMT or Paramedic field, you don’t do it for the money, because they really do not get paid very well considering what they do. But, I would drop my factory job in a heartbeat to be able to do it full time.

    Tomorrow, I will be spending the morning at the hospital getting the rest of my vaccinations up to date. So far I need a tetanus, a TB test, another Hepatitis B, and a MMR.
    Then I get to turn in all my paperwork for the school. I think I killed a small forest with all the papers I printed off today. Ispent the better part of the day on the internet and the phone just getting all the information I needed.

    Many people have tried to discourage me by telling me how tough the course is and how I have no clue on how much study time is needed. But, if you are studying for something you really want, it isn’t tough at all. I can’t absorb the information fast enough so it will be both fun and challenging.

    Wish me luck

    So. St. Paul
    Posts: 127

    I wish you luck. But, in reality, you probably don’t need it. It’s not as tough as your friends are making it out to be. Just read the chapters, work hard on the practicals and you will do just fine. I have been an EMT for years and if I can do it, anyone can.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22983

    Good luck Mike EMT’s and paramedics are special people

    big G

    So. St. Paul
    Posts: 127

    I have been on the fire side for years as well, and at least with the EMS stuff, you have a lot more calls where you actually get to help people, not constantly cancelled enroute. And I guess that’s why you do this sort of work anyway, right?

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Best of luck with the class. I think you will actually enjoy the B class–very informative. If you like it–keep going up the chain! As an ambulance director I know the sacrafices fire/EMS folks make and I know that it is all worth it for those of us who truly like what we do!


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Luck has nothing to do with it. Regardless of what else you decide to do in life, that is a skill set you will always have!

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 483

    Good luck Wats, I went through the course several years ago. I’m sure you’ll do just fine. That test at the end can be frustrating trying to determine the “best answer” but trust your instincts and you’ll be OK.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Good luck on the journey ahead. If you put your mind to it, im sure you will do just fine.

    Congrats and keep us posted as you go

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Way to go Wats!

    Believe it or not…I was once an EMT.

    And you are so right, it you are truly interested in this, you’ll find it comes easy. You’ll do good.

    Just don’t get “sucking chest wound” mixed up with “sucking head wound”.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 433

    Good Luck!! Its the best job in the world.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Way to stay flexible and thinking positive. I doubt that you need it, but I will wish you good luck anyway.


    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Sounds like you found your calling Wats, more power to you
    Good luck

    Posts: 5130

    Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate them all

    When I do start my classes, I am very lucky to have a few guys at the department that I can utilize for study purposes. My chief is an instructor for the EMT class and is more than willing to lend a hand. One of our Captains (fireash on IDO) is also very knowledgeable and is always more than willing to offer a helping hand. A few of the other members are also EMT’s and have been down this road.

    I am like a kid at Chrstmas waiting for tomorrow so I can get everything finalized.

    Even though financially, this is going to hurt for awhile, my wife and kids are supporting me and telling me to go for it. I will be paying for this out of my own pocket. The various fees, books, tuition, and the gas to drive back and forth to Mauston are going to be close to $1,000 by the time it is all said and done. But, in reality, it is pretty cheap for a title that will open a few more career opportunities. Even if I don’t take a job in the medical field, it will definitely help with patient contacts I do now.

    Our department had 524 calls last year, I made close to 200, and a large majority of those were medical calls. Anything I can do to improve my skills and be a more valuable team member is money well spent.

    DeSoto, WI
    Posts: 913

    Goodluck with everything! I wish you nothing but best. I truely admire people who step forward in this field after seeing some things over the years…

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Go get em Mike. YOU CAN DO IT !!!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Best of luck Wats

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    Am, I commend you. You should have no problem with the EMT-B courses, basically more indepth first aid. Not rocket science. If you procede to I, P, or CCP things get more indepth and the further you go the more you learn about A&P, but still not rocket science. Please take note of this, right now as a first responder (assuming volunteer) this is a hobby for you. It changes after you do it full time and at least for me has become just another job. I do my best for my patients, but if I had it to do over…………….

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    I’d wish you luck but I think I’d rather wish you sucess. If I could get through that course you certainly can Wats. It is some work but what an invaluable amount of knowledge you’ll gain that can be used at any time anyone needs assistance, not only on the Fire Dept. but for family and friends also. Even though I’m no longer an EMT I feel the knowledge that I still carry is something that I can still use in an emergency until trained professionals, like you’ll be, arrive.

    Way to go Wats and I wish you success.

    And I’ll feel safer fishing around Bret , you know the “Grumpy Old Men” adventures, if you’re with us.

    Posts: 5130

    I tell ya, going to school is getting to be a pain in the

    I get all the paperwork done, get a bunch of shots, spend hours on the phone and the internet, write a few checks out, and now I am once again being held up. Right now, things are not looking to promising

    I don’t have any current ACT scores ( must be less than 5 years old) and I don’t have any college courses that will work to transfer

    So now I have to go on Tuesday and wait and see if there is an opening to take a college math, writing, and a reading test. This all has to be done by Friday or I cannot get in the class. Whatever happened to signing up, paying cash, and going to school

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    Don’t go threw all that college B.S. Call and talk with tri state ambulance and see if they have EMT classes if they don’t call Winona Area Ambulance and get your Emt that way. I will be cheaper and your certs. are all the same. Thats how I got mine.

    Posts: 5130


    Call and talk with tri state ambulance and see if they have EMT classes

    I talked with Tri-State right when I was getting things together and they didn’t mention anything about them doing classes themselves. As far as I know, they don’t have many EMT’s, most of their employees are all paramedics. I didn’t even think about Winona since they are in Minnesota and I am in Wisconsin.

    But, last update and I will leave you guys alone. I passed all my tests this morning and officially in the class that starts this Saturday

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    That’s great for you Wats…grats. Once you finish your classes you will take the National Registry test. This test is a pain in the rear as there are several good answers but you must choose the best one. I did very well in class but left the testing center very discouraged, sure that I would need to retake the test. Fortunately that was not the case. The people I took the course with said the same thing about the National Registry test. My advice is to focus on the curriculum and when you test, accept your first answer. Try not to second-guess yourself.

    Being an EMT-B has been very rewarding as I volunteer with a small department south of Rochester. Just make sure you go to the refresher courses your dept offers or read up on the material for the areas you don’t get to practice enough.

    You are doing something very admirable and I wish I was in your position for volunteering with the volume of calls you get to participate on.

    I received my EMT-B certification after getting my Firefighter I & II certifications. I tested for a few departments and did quite well with some. Unfortunately, either the city met financial restrictions or, in the case of the LaCrosse department, didn’t hire from (or even complete) their list. I made top 10 in LaCrosse and completed my 2nd interview. I never heard back and I’m guessing they never developed a selection list. The way I understand it, Tri-State and the city had some issues. I just received a letter this week telling me they were going to start the recruitment process all over again. With a little girl due in 6 weeks I think this was a blessing in disguise… Anyway, I digress.

    Study hard and best of luck to you. Again, I think you are doing something very admirable and my hat goes off to you!


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