This has been bothering me on and off for a while. I’m looking for opinions here.
A few years back my Dad was bragging about his 30 plus years of fishing and camping at the Third River Landing on Winni, that nothing has ever been taken from the campsite.
Our last day he left a rod leaning up against the truck, it was gone when we came back. After packing up, I walked through the parked rigs and in a topper I spotted his rod. After having Dad confirm it was his rod and lure, I tryied opening the topper. It was locked…but the tailgate opened. Besides the rod, there was gas cans, a chain saw and a case of beer. I reclaimed the rod, and took the case of beer. (if it wouldn’t be for company or my brother in law, a case of beer would last me 2 years…really!)
This has bothered me because I’m just as bad as the guy that took the rod. My thoughts afterwards were to leave the beer….but open all the cans.
What would you have done? (besides not leaving anything out in the first place!) I’m asking, so I should be able to handle the answers I get!
Ps this was before cell phones and town is over 13 miles away.