Guess what I am getting!!!!!!!!!

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130


    All this talk about how the company I work for is very busy and backed up on orders less than a month ago, and now they drop this on us
    Up to 40 people are going to be laid-off and that is all the info we were given. A meeting with the bargaining committee is scheduled for Monday to finalize the situation.
    Will someone please take this black cloud from over my head? Or just hand me a gun and I can put myself out of my misery
    Oh well, I guess all those tests were for nothing since I am not allowed to actually make decent money in this life.
    Now, do I wait it out or go look for another poverty stricken job in the great city of LaCrosse?

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Wow, that is a surprise.

    My advice for what it is worth is do your meeting Monday with an open mind. Don’t go in or come out mad, it won’t help anything. Listen to what they have to say.

    Remember just a few months ago you had only construction skills, now you have welding skills. I would go out and start dropping applications A.S.A.P. you never know what your new skills may bring.

    Being unemployed is never an easy thing. Try to remain positive and open to anything. You never know who may be reading web sites. Maybe an employer is thinking about adding people but just hasn’t pulled the trigger yet. Maybe he needs a welder? You never know. I’m 53 years old and the thing that I’m realizing is networking is the way of life today. It no longer is what you know, it’s who knows you or knows what you can do who can put in the good word for you or tip you off on somebody hiring.

    If you have ever plowed snow contact the plowers in your area, they are busy and need drivers. (and guys to weld their plows)

    Keep your chin and attitude up!!

    Posts: 302

    Hey buddy I know how you feel. I got the same news a few weeks ago. My last day was today. I have decided to wait it out and just fish for a while. My company had record profits for 6 months in a row. A month later we got this news.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    Sorry to hear that Wats. Not a good way to start out the new year. My hope is that this is temporary with regards to the economy and I pray that things will turn around quickly so you can get back to work. The tests were an accomplishment for you and your skills so don’t down play that success as they should pay off in the long run. Hang in there buddy.

    Posts: 5130

    Honestly, I am laughing about it Seriously, that is how my luck runs. There really isn’t anything I can do about it and it is what it is.
    If I wasn’t used to being laid-off like I have been the last 6 years, I might be a little more upset.
    I do plan on waiting to hear how long the lay-off will be, if they even have an idea right now.
    I also know after the last job, that nothing is guaranteed anymore and not to get too comfortable in any job.
    For now, I will takethe lay-off time and maybe get in a little more fishing and some couch potato time. I will also be spending more time down at the Fire Station and being able to run more calls, especially in the midddle of the night when the most help is needed.
    I am not really mad about the news, but it did put a little damper on my spirits

    Posts: 1960

    You have the right attitude wats. I have been there a few times and the thing I learned was that in the long run, everything happens for a reason. Bummer news to get especially at this time of the year, but you don’t have to look too far to see somebody worse off. You’ll hit the ground running and be fine.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22983

    I would think with the talk of boosting the economy with infrastructure repairs and maintenance, your company should be getting busy when all that starts. I thought you mentioned, you did alot of welding for bridges and such for MnDot.

    big G

    Posts: 1748



    All this talk about how the company I work for is very busy and backed up on orders less than a month ago, and now they drop this on us

    Sorry 2 here that.
    My son got the same news. He goes back Monday 4 one more week then a 105 r Let Go
    This has not been the best year 4 alot of workers.
    And I do not see a bail-out 4 them

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Hey Mike, Sorry to hear about that.

    Maybe I need to run up there and hammer some fish with you. It is tough right now everywhere. About the only job that is safe is the tiolet paper dispenser and tampons. I come to work each day and wonder if my job has been eliminated again. Hollow feeling. But I have learned that good will follow and good things will come to good people. This may be a blessing in disguise

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    IT always could be worse…Try losing your job and go through a divorce at sametime… Just stay positive something better must be in store..Guess I will have to go to full time guiding…

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    Up to 40 people are going to be laid-off and that is all the info we were given. A meeting with the bargaining committee is scheduled for Monday to finalize the situation.

    Mike C and I have seen this going on in the company we work for the last 2 years. It sucks, hang in there and stay positive. You will know more Monday.

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    I am in the same boat Mike – today was my last day at work. I have a good severance package so I have that going for me. I am excited about marketing my skills though. There are those that say opportunity is nowhere, and there are those that say opportunity is now here – funny what a space in the middle of a word will do!

    Posts: 5130

    Well we got the final notice on Tuesday and the list posted of who will be laid-off, of course my name was on there and fourth from the bottom
    Tentatively, we will be laid off for 1-3 months. 37 of us are immediately affected and they are also taking voluntary lay offs as well.

    Now, here is a question I have for anyone who knows the regulations on lay-offs. Even with the 37 laid off now, there are still 20 people too many according to management. They don’t want to include those 20 since somehow the state becomes involved? They said something to the effect that with an X amount of people being laid off, the state or feds would have to offer grants for displaced workers to get things such s tuition assistance and other things?

    Anybody know anything on how that works? Does the company have to foot the bill for the grants the company has to offer? I am just curious why the company would keep that many people on that they don’t have enough work for unless it is more cost efficient in some way.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    yeah.. it HAS to be something about money thats for sure… companies know every loop hole so they will do crazy things to avoid anything they can…. whatever is cheapest… they posted the job loss numbers for December today and it was more than expected.. it sounds like its not going to get better soon…. I hope someone somewhere finds the breaks to this… the reading has been grimm and there hasnt been many rays of sunshine offered….
    still like FDR said.. we have nothing to fear but fear itself… now maybe they should be telling that to the financial system… they need to get on track… just cuz they were suicidially stupid to begin with doesnt mean we can totally do without them now….

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