Attaching pictures

  • Figure8em
    Posts: 27

    I know I’ve seen this posted here before, but I can’t find the thread….how do you reduce the file size of digital pictures to get them under the 100K byte limit?

    Thanks in advance for your help….


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    You’ll need some sort of software to edit the pictures. I personally use a product by Jasc Software called Paint Shop Pro. I’m sure there are some freeware programs out there at

    Posts: 27

    I’ve been messing around with Microsoft Photo Editor but can’t figure it out…darn technology.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I click on ”image” and resize the pic to 320 x 240 and it works. Try to find that word ‘image’ on your software and click on it and resize the pic. Thanks, Bill

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    hi 8em,
    editing software should be in your software supplied with you camera, my problem was I emailed Kodak and found out my software was a slightly older verion, (even tho I bought the camera in Dec) I downloaded a newer version and Kodak email a full page of editing instructions. all fine now. contact your camera co, each camera is a little different. good luck. Jack.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946


    Look for something that says image size…if you can’t find it , look to the help tab when your in your photo editing program…once you have this make sure that you check the box that allows the image to be automaticly sized to proportion….take the image size that is the largest and change it to 450 pixils, and click ok, if you have the auto size box checked this will allow the picture to be sized without changing the configuration of your picture…(long and tall or short and fat)…keep us informed on your progress and have fun with it

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    In Microsoft Photo Editor, the option is called “Resize”. When you select resize, a pop up box will display. You have 3 resize options. Inches, Pixels, or Percent.

    I would suggest using Percent. Reduce the picture from 100% to 80%, then select File/Save. Check file size of picture. If it’s still over 100k, repeat the above steps.

    Jon J.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Does it have an auto size feature Jon ? If it does then I’d use it and switch it over to Pixils…that way when you post your picture it will allways be the same size…which is 450 on it’s largest side. I’m sure there are several ways to play with pictures…just get comfortable with the software you have and then use what works best for you..

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