Iowa license fees could jump

  • illiniwalli
    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    dont know if my buddies to the west have seen this.

    Iowa seeking hunting, fishing license increases

    December 15, 2008

    DES MOINES, Iowa (AP)—Iowa wildlife officials want to increase hunting and license fees to offset revenues lost because of last summer’s flooding.

    Ken Herring, the state’s conservation and recreation administrator, says in a copyright story in The Des Moines Register, that fewer people hunted, fished and camped in Iowa this year because of the flooding.

    “Our pheasant population was severely hit by the long winter and wet spring. We had parks closed during the peak camping season. It just was not good year,” Herring said.

    Fishing license sales were down $1 million. Another $1 million in cropland lease revenue was lost and millions of dollars in damage was reported to roads, dams, fish hatcheries and other facilities.

    Herring says officials are seeking a 34 percent increase in basic hunting and fishing license fees.

    That does not include habitat fees, waterfowl stamps or trout fees. Projected increases in various deer, turkey, trapping, short-term fishing and other licenses vary.

    For example, the habitat fee hunters have to pay would jump 17 percent to $13.50; resident turkey licenses would jump nearly 20 percent and resident any-sex deer licenses would rise by 39 percent. One of the biggest increases would be in the resident trapping license, which would increase 71 percent to $36.

    Lawmakers would have to approve the increases, which would likely take effect July 1.

    Tim Shaw, 45, of Muscatine, said it’s harder to find areas to hunt pheasants on private land, which accounts for most of Iowa’s acreage. He said increases in fees may discourage hunters.

    “This year has been a bust,” he said. “I’m trying to get my boy interested in hunting, but it it’s going to cost him a bunch of money he’ll say ‘I don’t need this.‘“

    Herring said he expects plenty of complaints.

    “We understand these are difficult times, but the reality we are facing is that our hunters and anglers carry the majority of the conservation funding burden in the state, and we will need to increase the license fees to meet the rising costs of maintaining areas to hunt and fish,” Herring said. “Without an increase, the quality of our natural areas will begin to decline and fewer and fewer people will find these areas attractive.”

    Dave C
    Bettendorf, Iowa
    Posts: 21

    Lets see if I can get this right. Fewer people are buying an item, so lets raise the price! Only happens in government!

    Posts: 268

    maybe they should of held some money back instead of building all these bike paths and a vast majority of the bikers still use the roads.

    Iowa, Knoxville
    Posts: 525

    AMEN on the bike trails.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 205

    That is probably the worst thing they can do right now. They want to charge more with less people out there doing the sport. The reason they are rising the fur harvester license is because everybody thought that coon prices were going to be through the roof. Wrong answer. With this economy the way that it is people will not pull those prices and you will definately not see the number of trappers next year at all. They are also making this very difficult for out of state hunters. (Having to buy two tags) just to hunt? It’s around 500.00 when it’s said and done. The DNR is already getting plenty of money for people to hunt, fish, and trap animals that they don’t own. They are ruining the Iowa Deer as well. They have a late antlerless season and give out a ton of tags for this. Half of the deer that most of the hunters are shooting are shed bucks anyway. Then they have an early antlerless season that they let the orange army go out in November and shoot slugs through the woods while there are still bowhunter’s in the tree. Explain that one to me???? Sorry for venting, but I could go on and on about this.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    That is probably the worst thing they can do right now. They want to charge more with less people out there doing the sport. The reason they are rising the fur harvester license is because everybody thought that coon prices were going to be through the roof. Wrong answer. With this economy the way that it is people will not pull those prices and you will definately not see the number of trappers next year at all. They are also making this very difficult for out of state hunters. (Having to buy two tags) just to hunt? It’s around 500.00 when it’s said and done. The DNR is already getting plenty of money for people to hunt, fish, and trap animals that they don’t own. They are ruining the Iowa Deer as well. They have a late antlerless season and give out a ton of tags for this. Half of the deer that most of the hunters are shooting are shed bucks anyway. Then they have an early antlerless season that they let the orange army go out in November and shoot slugs through the woods while there are still bowhunter’s in the tree. Explain that one to me???? Sorry for venting, but I could go on and on about this.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t archery season is closed during shotgun season?

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 205

    Yes it’s closed during gun season 1 and 2 NOT during early antlerless season as stated above.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1848

    I am not too excited about this, but, honestly I would buy a fishing license if it was 100 dollars a year. I can’t imagine not being outdoors.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370



    That is probably the worst thing they can do right now. They want to charge more with less people out there doing the sport. The reason they are rising the fur harvester license is because everybody thought that coon prices were going to be through the roof. Wrong answer. With this economy the way that it is people will not pull those prices and you will definately not see the number of trappers next year at all. They are also making this very difficult for out of state hunters. (Having to buy two tags) just to hunt? It’s around 500.00 when it’s said and done. The DNR is already getting plenty of money for people to hunt, fish, and trap animals that they don’t own. They are ruining the Iowa Deer as well. They have a late antlerless season and give out a ton of tags for this. Half of the deer that most of the hunters are shooting are shed bucks anyway. Then they have an early antlerless season that they let the orange army go out in November and shoot slugs through the woods while there are still bowhunter’s in the tree. Explain that one to me???? Sorry for venting, but I could go on and on about this.


    Couldn’t agree more. I have a feeling they will have even less revenue with this “STUPID” idea. I would have to imagine Non Resident Fees will also increase.

    WTF are people thinking???? Punish and depend on the sportsmen for FLOOD and ECONOMICAL relief ????

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 205


    I am not too excited about this, but, honestly I would buy a fishing license if it was 100 dollars a year. I can’t imagine not being outdoors.

    I would too but it’s not the point. Name something that the DNR is doing to give back to the sportsmen. Yes there is plenty of public hunting spots, but are they ever doing anything to them to make them better for hunting? Now I suppose is the time to bring this up then too since we are on a fishing topic. How bout the DNR trading our wild turkeys down south for otters???? Then they proceed to release all of these otters in smaller rivers and small lakes around the state. A lot of those waters are now vacant of good fish. I know around here they are destroying all small lakes and rivers. The bad thing is the otter does the killing for fun and not for food. It’s a game to them to see if they can catch a 17″ smallie and drag it up on the ice and play with it for a couple seconds and leave it for dead and go down again and do the same thing day after day. Now with the otter population so high they still will let the trappers only catch 500 statewide????? Makes no sense to me. The quota was filled a little after two weeks into season and with the fur prices, people won’t target those otters. Most of the catches are incidentals this year for the million trappers that were out going for the 50.00 dollar coon that obviously will not happen this year with Russia pretty much declaring bankruptcy. A lot of rivers in north east Iowa are really affected with this move with the otters. It’s close to one of the DNR’s dumbest moves yet.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1848



    I am not too excited about this, but, honestly I would buy a fishing license if it was 100 dollars a year. I can’t imagine not being outdoors.

    I would too but it’s not the point. Name something that the DNR is doing to give back to the sportsmen. Yes there is plenty of public hunting spots, but are they ever doing anything to them to make them better for hunting? Now I suppose is the time to bring this up then too since we are on a fishing topic. How bout the DNR trading our wild turkeys down south for otters???? Then they proceed to release all of these otters in smaller rivers and small lakes around the state. A lot of those waters are now vacant of good fish. I know around here they are destroying all small lakes and rivers. The bad thing is the otter does the killing for fun and not for food. It’s a game to them to see if they can catch a 17″ smallie and drag it up on the ice and play with it for a couple seconds and leave it for dead and go down again and do the same thing day after day. Now with the otter population so high they still will let the trappers only catch 500 statewide????? Makes no sense to me. The quota was filled a little after two weeks into season and with the fur prices, people won’t target those otters. Most of the catches are incidentals this year for the million trappers that were out going for the 50.00 dollar coon that obviously will not happen this year with Russia pretty much declaring bankruptcy. A lot of rivers in north east Iowa are really affected with this move with the otters. It’s close to one of the DNR’s dumbest moves yet.

    I do agree. I am from up by Guttenberg and I have seen a lot of what you are talking about. I was just simply stating that you can’t win with the government. I will still fish, no matter the cost.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 205

    Most of us will at any cost, but that’s not the point.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Thier priceing themselves out of future funding, in other words thier making it harder to smile while buying a liscense. Why can’t the DNR take a hit by puting some of the things they want to do, not need to do, on the shelf for a couple years until things come back around. They for one should have an emergency fund of some sort instead of spending everything they have coming in every year and depending on the outdoorsman to cover thier behinds because nature didn’t treat anyone right. Alot of people buy a fishing liscense because they just want to kill some time and don’t spend a whole lot of time fishing like some of us do. These people are the ones who will not buy a higher priced liscense, the same with the one or two days a winter hunters.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I’m confused on how the flood caused them to loose money. I understand they had to repair some things, but I live on the Cedar River and this summer was one of the best years I’ve had fishing walleyes in the summer. All after the flood. I thought the flood was good for the river here. I have never seen the cedar river so clear in the summer as this year was. Also anyone who wants to see the wastefulnes of otters is welcome to come to Nashua any day in the winter and see all the fish laying on the ice below the dam. Maybe one bite out of each of the mostly catfish they catch. I don’t have a problem paying increased liscense fees for hunting and fishing licsence, but increase on turkey and deer tags will get a little pricey. And what do thye IDNR do for deer in Iowa?

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Has anyone checked to see where the money is coming from that is being spent on the new resort at Rathbun? How much is the IDNR footing? From what I hear they are way over budget. Might be a connection?

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I haven’t heard about that one yet Herb, a resort? Hmmm

    Albia, IA
    Posts: 187

    The resort is VERY nice…..I would like to see the final cost. I was thinking their “budget” was $23mil….heard $43mil has been spent, but that is just people talking so who knows.

    I think Missouri DNR gets a .25% or something of the sales tax for their operations. This sounds fair to me…I think every citizen of Iowa should be invested in the resources of the state whether they utilize them or not. As they say the state owns the resource and all citizens are “the state”.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Yes the resort is very nice but looks to be too pricey for me. Haven’t heard what the cabins will rent for have you btomlin?

    Albia, IA
    Posts: 187


    I have not heard any pricing on rooms or cabins. I have eaten in the restaurant a couple times. The food had been very good and the prices imo are very reasonable. Ribeye or ny strip dinner in the $17-$19 I think.

    One of my best friends is the super at the golf course…that thing will be stupid nice if they ever get weather to cooperate. He’s been pulling his hair out all year. Get everything fixed and it would wash away again. Been a tough year for him!!

    The resort also has an indoor water park that would prob. be fun for elementary aged kids.

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