Dog bites…himself

  • b-curtis
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    We have a 4 year old German Shepherd who continually scratches and chews on himself. Shepherds are known for having sensitive skin and our dog is a bigger wuss than most. It gets so bad that his entire belly will get infected and you can actually see the bruising on his legs. Now this has been going on the last three winters. We have been to the vet several times. It isn’t mange, mites, fleas, or anything like that. We have pretty much tried every food brand out there because the vet says it could be allergies. Doesn’t help. They of course want us to spend a lot of money to do allergy testing. I personally don’t think he has allergies. He is pretty much an indoor dog, so it isn’t because all of a sudden he is in the house all winter after he was outside all summer. He spends some time outside during the summer and winter, but he doesn’t chew on himself in the summer. It seems like it happens literally once the heat get turned on. I’ve tried to find some info out there but it is very conflicting. You don’t bathe your dog enough. Then another person says you bathe him too much in the next post.

    I’m starting to wonder if it could be as simple as our house is too dry and he has dry skin? I’m thinking my humidifier on the furnace stopped working sometime last winter and I haven’t gotten it fixed yet, so maybe that is what is causing the issue since the last two winters the scratching has been worse than the others? I would rather not pay the vet for flippin allergy testing (I can get past the fact he doesn’t have a problem in the summer) and fixing the humidifier really isn’t on my list of things to spend money on right now. But if it helps the dog, then it would be worth it. I’m getting a little tired of yelling at him and putting a cone on him, although that does lead to some comedy. Just wondering if anybody else has dealt with anything like this?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Do they make dog lotion? I’ve got lube up the kiddos every day this time of year. They don’t chew on themselves though.

    Hixton, WI
    Posts: 457

    He is beautiful!!
    I would try the humidifier. It could be too dry in the house. I know our Golden also sheds once the heat is turned on in the house. Daily brushing keeps that under control.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Dry Skin?? We give our lab Fish Oil pills to help with this. He use to suffer from really dry skin in Winter. This really did help him. Just a htought!

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    Dry Skin?? We give our lab Fish Oil pills to help with this. He use to suffer from really dry skin in Winter. This really did help him. Just a htought!

    I second this. We have a golden that had the same issue. I give her one a day and all is well.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    Yeah, we needed to give our previous shepherd fish oil capsules as well… as for the whole-house humidifier, I was advised by a furnace guy to NOT install one – they can end up being a mold/mildew factory and then spew them throughout your house in the winter… if your’s isn’t working, I’m not sure I’d get it going again.

    Posts: 974


    Dry Skin?? We give our lab Fish Oil pills to help with this. He use to suffer from really dry skin in Winter. This really did help him. Just a thought!

    I agree my dog’s skin gets the same way and then she needs antibiotics to clear it up the fish oil pills work great to stop it.

    one other thing that may be the culprit is if you use any thing like carpet fresh if we use that she will chew on her feet till they bleed

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Yeah, those antibiotics are not cheap either. We have gone through the whole thing about things like carpet fresh type stuff. We don’t use it. We do wash our carpets, but again we wash them in the summer also and he doesn’t have the problem then.

    I recall we gave him the fish oil pills in the past but I don’t remember if it helped or not? We are not doing that right now and I think I will start there. Maybe I will skip the furnace humidifier but I should probably get at least a portable unit going. With the wonderful temperatures the last couple night the humidity level is under 30%.

    Kooty, if you want to come over and rub lotion on my dog’s belly, feel free. That is a little too close to his manhood for me.

    Thanks everybody!

    North Metro, MN
    Posts: 143

    I agree with the others who said dry skin. I give mine the fish oil pills as well, but I also got my hands on a moisturizing conditioner that I use after she gets a bath. The extra brushing and bathing durning the winter seem to do the trick. Not sure of the brand of the conditioner and don’t remember exactly where I got it, but I’d guess just about any pet store or vet would have something similar.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    You must not REALLY love your dog like Rob. He’d do anything for old slobber snout.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    He’d do anything for old slobber snout.

    Kooty, which one is which?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Rufus is the black one, Rob is the one with a runny nose.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    B Curtis,
    The million dollar question… Who taught him to bite himself?

    You aren’t jealous are you?

    Posts: 2014


    Do they make dog lotion? I’ve got lube up the kiddos every day this time of year. They don’t chew on themselves though.

    Really because mine thinks he’s the greatest tasting thing on the planet. wait maybe that’s because he’s teething?!

    Zumbro Falls Mn.
    Posts: 387

    Sorry I can’t help remedy the problem. But I just wanted to say that I think he is a really great looking Shepard. I hope ya get him fixed up real soon.

    Posts: 26

    Nice pootch! Hope it’s just dry skin or allergies,..but…it’s worthwhile getting some blood tests done. My English Setter chewed and lick his hips til they were raw and bleeding, was later discovered to be kidney failure. Vet said it’s a psychological need for dogs to chew themselves when they have internal pain. Again, hope it’s something simple but worth checking out. Good Luck!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Believe me with my wife, no dime is spared when it comes to helping our dogs. We have had all the liver and blood test and tried all the expensive foods and all of that. It isn’t food allergies, mange, fleas, mites, or anything else. The only thing I said no to was allergy testing. I think it is a bit of a crock. Our breeder also told us vets like to push “allergy testing” for everything even if it doesn’t make sense (like this case). I’m trying out the fish oil. It is fun because there is nothing that dogs hates more than taking pills. He might be a little smarter than I thought because we have even tried to use the pill pockets, and he just knows when we are trying to give him something. Maybe he is just smarter than his owners. I might have to try to mix it in with his food.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I just throw a fish oil capsule in with his food and he doesn’t think twice about it. Of course he wolfs down 7 cups of food in under two minutes, so he’s not too concerned about it

    We just started the fish oil a few weeks ago. Can’t say if it’ll help your problem. We’re dealing with a nice case of “puppy acne” right now He’s got little pus bubbles all over his snout. It doesn’t really seem to bother him much, but it’s a bit nasty and unsightly.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Bpy Ralph that “pup” is turning into a horse fast! Great looking dog though. Someday if I have the room I’ll get a dog.

    Posts: 788

    Got a harness for that horse?? I see a shack puller


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