Who remembers $1.00 a gallon gas?

  • ederd
    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    I’m old enough to remember buying gas at 25 cents a gallon, but the news this morning said we could possibly see $1.00 a gallon gas again. It would sure make it easier to go on longer fishing trips!!


    South metro
    Posts: 134

    .29/gallon, MIlwaukee,WI. UGH, long ago and oh so faraway.

    Jeff Bennett
    Lake Puckaway Wi.
    Posts: 1180

    Oh yes you can tell how old a person is when I remember gas was 23 cents in Rio , Wis. back in 1973.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Rode my bicycle to the gas station with the lawn mower gas can…Dad gave me a quarter…and I got change back. I don’t recall how many penny’s it was..but it was change.

    In 1977 I rode my scooter to CA. Gas prices were soaring. The most I paid was in Nevada at .75 per gallon.

    Posts: 3681

    A gallon of gas and a pack of smokes for under a buck.
    Yah ,I’m old.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    My 1st car was a 1973 Chevy Nova. I kept track of every $ I spent on it. The most I could ever spend on a tank of gas was $7.50 and it had to be EMPTY!!

    Kasson MN
    Posts: 365

    The only thing left will be is gas tax they will pay you to take it haha

    Posts: 496


    Rode my bicycle to the gas station with the lawn mower gas can…Dad gave me a quarter…and I got change back. I don’t recall how many penny’s it was..but it was change.

    In 1977 I rode my scooter to CA. Gas prices were soaring. The most I paid was in Nevada at .75 per gallon.

    And with those pennies, you could still buy something back then!

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    I remember
    gas $0.159
    snickers bar $0.05
    movie theater $0.25
    kite $0.10

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Use to pump gas back in College for .36 cents and gas wars gave us .27 cents a gal. Sure would love to see those prices again…well….we can dream …can’t we?
    Thanks, Bill

    Bob Gordon
    Posts: 606

    I seen a gas war in La Cal. when I was in the Marine Corp for 10 cents a gal.

    Posts: 6259

    Back in the 80’s when I started driving gas was .80 cents a gallon or so. I remmember being taught in high school that we would be run out of oil by 2020…

    Posts: 5130

    I’m only 36 and I can remember paying $.99/gal in Gillette, WY. That was back in the late 80’s and into the early to mid 90’s. But, it seems gas has always been cheaper in that part of the country

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I remember in the 27-29 cents when I was cutting grass for all the neighbors. Sky-rocketed up to .499 when I statrted driving and up to .699 when I bought my first boat. Was thinking then if gas hit a dollar agallon I couldn’t drive or use my boat. Man, how time changes things

    Posts: 40

    I’m 23, gas was 1.29 when I started driving. I really didnt think Id see it under $2.00 again in my lifetime.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I remember my dad would stop at the station and he would put $5 in. Not because that is all he had in his pocket but because that filled up the car.

    It will go back up so enjoy it while it last. I can’t help think about the Chrysler “Refuel America” $2.99 gas deal. Anybody that took that deal instead of a rebate must be kicking themselves right about now.

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    I seem to remember that gas dropped to about .89 cents a gallon in the summer of 2001 for a short time. I had a Acura Integra with a 10 or 11 gallon tank that I could fill up for less than 10 bucks. At least I think I’m remembering this correctly.

    Byron, Mn. Rainy Lake
    Posts: 144

    $.25 and a free set of stemware

    Posts: 171

    the price on the board of trade this morning—-$.959 have a great day—-Frank

    Posts: 85

    Only time I ever saw gas under a buck was in 98 when I turned 16. I could fill my rust bucket 89 gmc for 97 cents a gallon and it would be full just under 20 bucks. Too bad those prices only lasted a week or two!

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    My 1st car was a 1973 Chevy Nova. I kept track of every $ I spent on it. The most I could ever spend on a tank of gas was $7.50 and it had to be EMPTY!!

    spent more money on tires than gas did you? oh well, I remember the .75 for the most part, don’t remember much lower than that, didnt have to buy the gas, just rode around and saw stuff back then.


    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    I was stationed in Pensacola Fla. in the “60”s and saw gas at .15 a gallon and my paycheck was $78.00 every 2 weeks. I drank and partied and still plenty of money for gas. I also had to have uniforms cleaned and buy toiletries. I don’t know how I did it. I can’t believe that I can remember that far back.

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    $.199 in Blue Earth in mid-late 60’s when movie tickets were 25 cents and I worked on a farm for $1.00/hr.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I don’t remember but I do remember all the free giveaways. Glassware, toasters, the little orange 76 balls that went on top of your antenna. One reason I don’t remember is that in a small farming community, we charged everything and parents paid it all monthly or whenever. I remember filling up with gas, getting anything I wanted at the grocery store (usually a Mountain Dew and some M&M’s) or filling the boat with gas all for free. Well free to me. We just signed our name and off we went.

    Didn’t teach me much about budgeting or the value of $$.


    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    I remember

    gas $0.159

    snickers bar $0.05

    movie theater $0.25

    kite $0.10

    I saw gas at this price. The candy too. We could buy a ten ticket strip of movie passes for a buck. Ring bologna was a dollar, milk was sold in returnable bottles, bread was .15 cent a loaf. I remember when Wonder Bread was introduced and people said it would never succeed.

    Back then we had “real” winters and we WALKED to school….several miles I might add. I feel sorry for those who haven’t lived these memories.

    And that free glass-ware I now sell as antiques.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Little orange Styrofoam balls were from Union 76.

    Our family owned a Phillips 66 station in Pine City back in the early 70’s. I remember $.32, and filling up the family 70 GTO for $9.00. I used to pump gas there as a kid, complete with the obligatory oil rag hanging out of the back pocket. We also sold MTD Mud Bugs (3 wheelers before Honda ATC’s) and mini bikes. Best part of the day was when Dad would let me ride them back inside the shop for the night…but not before a few extra whips around the station. I remember seeing the first 750 4 cyl. Honda motorcycle when it came in off the freeway for gas. It drew quite the crowd! Also the Dodge Charger with the 3 opera windows in the back! Woo-Hoo!!! And Bruce B from this website back when he had his hot Mustang!

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    23.9 was the gas price in Milwaukee during my childhood.. and my dad would FILL THE TANK, if they raised it a penny or two for Memorial Day.. Oh my gosh.. run to the gas station cuz its gonna cost .20 more total.. or .40 cents more..


    and since we are paying over .50 cents for taxes, you will never see this again.. and I would be shocked to see $1.00 gas.. I really would.

    Oil would have to drop to $10 a barrel.. or at least $15 a barrel. but it won’t happen at the current US price of oil of $32.50 a barrel..

    oh and that’s not the NYMEX price but the price of our own oil in this country and Canada..

    Posts: 510

    19 cents a gallon im Mpls if you bought a quart of oil with it at metro 500 stations, must have been late 60’s I panicked in 1975 when gas hit 50 cents, sold my truck for a pinto!

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    I can actually remember when gas was .77 here in Nebraska right before I was able to drive. I just hope people don’t expect these gas prices to last very long. We’re still $1.76 here right now.

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