computer problem

  • gregory
    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    i have wireless internet in my house and my laptop works fine and my girlfriends lap top wont pick it up and when it does and wont connect properly? it has worked fine in the last six months and just started acting up? and won’t connect act work either? when it has in the past? thanks for any advice

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Windows Vista? I’m hatin mine….

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    mo its xp and has worked fine just started?

    Posts: 1748

    Can you try your wireless adapter in her laptop?

    Might B that

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    i have a card and she has internal, it will pick it up just not connect,and when it does its not really connected?

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106

    Did you try unplugging the modem and wireless router? Wait 10 seconds then plug it bAck in? And do you have cable internet? I do and I have to do that with mine almost everyday!! I also have Vista. If I go to my girlfriend’s in Becker mine works all the time. But she has DSL cuz of no cable out in the country. I don’t have a house phone so I can’t get DSL. And I’ve had it here in this area before and it sucks!!

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Since her wireless used to pick up at your house and at her work, I’m guessing that there is either a hardware or software issue.

    You could reload the wireless drivers and try again, if that doesn’t work, it might be a hardware issue. The internal card maybe flaky???


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    Has she tried it some where else besides those 2 places? as that could be part of the issue also in regards to drivers and codes maybe??? Not 100% on top of wireless issues, I just program them to work.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    have her reinstall the wireless card drivers, then have her look for updates for that wireless card, then it should work just fine, probably one of the files got messed up.


    United States
    Posts: 1434

    If a direct connection to the router works, then you know it is something with the card or drivers. If not, then something else is messed up.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    well the direct connection to the router will be done through your ethernet card or your ethernet port. but when you have a wireless connection, it has its own card and its own driver, won’t help him trouble shoot why the wireless won’t work.

    did you try to take it to like caribou coffee or someplace else that has wifi? if it works fine there, then it is something with your computer talking to your network, just to a reinstall on your driver for the wireless and that should eliminate the problem.


    United States
    Posts: 1434


    well the direct connection to the router will be done through your ethernet card or your ethernet port. but when you have a wireless connection, it has its own card and its own driver, won’t help him trouble shoot why the wireless won’t work.

    There could be other things wrong like viruses, software corruption in windows. If they can get that computer to connect to the internet with a direct connection then it rules out problems in windows and points directly to the wireless card. As it is an onboard card, they could try an external card if there is a slot for it and temporarily disable the onboard card. I agree with checking for updated drivers that could be transferred to the ailing computer by CD or thumb drive and reinstalling those drivers. That is probably the first thing I would try as was already suggested. I am just saying that there could be other problems and giving ways to isolate what could be wrong.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 332

    If you have a USB memory stick in the laptop, remove it and try again. Some USB memory sticks will disable the wireless capability of some laptops. I had this problem myself, and as soon as I removed the memory stick, the wireless worked fine. I switched to a different brand of USB memory sticks, and never had the problem reappear.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    thanks guys for all suggestions i’ll will give it a shot tonight

    Posts: 6

    Try a program called Tune-up 1 click Maintenance 2008 download it and use it free for 30 days. I use it to fix problems that come up ocasionally.

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