Plaxico “boom boom” Burress

  • Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Wow, he got charged with 2 felony counts of criminal possession of a weapon. Let me get this straight: he shoots himself in a public place, and he pleads NOT GUILTY???!?? This was a .40 cal handgun too, people. A serious piece of machinery to be toting around in a nightclub.

    This does give whole new meaning to the phrase “offensive weapon”, that’s for sure.

    I knew NYC had some tough laws, but wow, it’s an “automatic 3 1/2 years in the slammer”, as Mayor Bloomberg just stated.

    So….how do you think he’ll get out of this one? Bloomberg said he shouldn’t be treated differently than any other citizen, which I fully agree with. But let’s face it people, he’ll find a way to get out of it. What do you guys think??

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    He will get released by the Giants so they can void his contract under the “professional conduct” clause.

    From there he signs with the Cowboys who have a whole legal department dedicated to the players.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    First thing I thought of when I heard this story was Cheddar Bob from 8 Mile.

    “Cheddar Bob is known as Jimmy’s (Eminem’s) dumb friend in the movie 8 Mile, who is slightly [censored] and ends up shooting himself in the crotch. “

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Wow, Dallas and Cincy are mentioned before my raiders….hilarious! Heck, even the criminals don’t want to go to Oakland these days, and I gotta say I don’t blame em!!

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I can take personal responsibility for Plax going boom boom. Guess who I took as my first WR in our FF league?

    I also had TO when he got banished from Phili.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Man, that’s funny, Bzzsaw. That’s one of my fav features about the yahoo leagues. Before the draft, you can place people on the list to the left that gives them no status at all; your team will not draft them for any reason with auto draft. Owens always lands on that list every year- I refuse to cheer for him because he’d be on my team. No way. Besides….there’s only ONE T.O. Tom Osborne!!

    And, couldn’t agree with you more, WKW.

    Posts: 730

    T.O. should stand for ” Taken Out !”

    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    My plan for these morons is let some one that knows how to use a gun take a few shots at them.They live through it send em to prison they don’t no big loss.anyone that wastes their chance at being something in life doesn’t deserve any better.A little rough but why not.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    It’s just further proof that licensed, permitted leagal gun owners are not the problem. I had to him off both my leagues. I too had T.O. on roster when he went through his issues.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213


    First thing I thought of when I heard this story was Cheddar Bob from 8 Mile.

    “Cheddar Bob is known as Jimmy’s (Eminem’s) dumb friend in the movie 8 Mile, who is slightly [censored] and ends up shooting himself in the crotch. ”

    lol not I don’t feel like a moron thinking the same thing

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I’ll start this post by saying this weekend was the first this season I sat down and watched an entire game. I don’t follow the game like I used to, just a fair weather fan.

    I’d like to echo what Tuck wrote. If New York allowed citizens to get a permit to carry, it’s quite possible this fellow may have taken the training and got a license to carry legally. No big deal. (Sounds like he needed a class in safe handling of a handgun.)

    On a side note. During the pre-game coverage on FOX they were discussing this case. One of the guys said he would not be surprised if up to 50% of NFL players carry for personal protection and most are not licensed. (Either carry or keep a handgun in their car) He pointed out many valid reasons these guys need protection. You can’t have a body guard watching your back 24/7.

    Just seems real simple. Make legal carry available everywhere in the US and have a consistent licence program that is valid in all states.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I couldn’t agree more JJ. Mike Ditka made a total of himself yesterday morning on Mike & Mike. His statement was something to the affect “I don’t want to get shot or hooked so I don’t carry gun or go fishing.” Do I think these guys are that big of targets, NO. But I also believe everyone has the inherent right to protect himself. No matter how dumb oneself is.

    Isn’t that kind of the like the old joke, “I needed help in a matter of seconds, and the cops were just minutes away.”

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I don’t think these guys have the brain power to pass a C&C class, let alone I imagine most think they are too important to sit through the class and I doubt the class would accept someone else sitting in for them like back in the day at college.

    I would think more would do it like P Diddy or Ray Lewis and have an understudy carry the weapon and take the fall when someone gets shot.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I don’t think these guys have the brain power to pass a C&C class.

    That’s a poor statement. I would suggest anyone should be able to pass a CC & safety course. I would also point out you need to take a look at intent. This guy is a millionaire. Do you really think he was going to hold the place up? I believe he was carrying for the purpose of personal protection. I don’t have a problem with that. Legal or not!


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Personally I don’t believe in C&C,but that’s just my opinion. You guys have the right to conceal and carry.

    Plaxico is just another in a long line of “wannabe’s”.

    He doesn’t merit giving him even a second thought. I hope they lock him up. Maybe he can be room mates with Pac Man.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438



    I don’t think these guys have the brain power to pass a C&C class.

    That’s a poor statement. I would suggest anyone should be able to pass a CC & safety course. I would also point out you need to take a look at intent. This guy is a millionaire. Do you really think he was going to hold the place up? I believe he was carrying for the purpose of personal protection. I don’t have a problem with that. Legal or not!


    I do. Most of these guys couldn’t pass a basic math or English test. And if the course is that easy, well that is not very comforting. I’m pretty neutral on the C&C. I think people have the right to protect themselves, but I also worry about the guy who suffers from “short man’s disease” who thinks he is cool for carrying or say they would’ve have stopped some mall shooting someplace. Those are the types the course should be weeding out!

    I think these types of athletes are the type that would give conceal and carry a bad name (well, a worse name). They are the types that would “flash” the gun at the nightclub at 4AM because they are cool. Yes, they are millionaires and are not going to rob the place. But if they get disrespected, that is not a threat against your life and not reason to be pulling out your gun. These guys are not responsible. Take Pacman Jones. I wonder how many times he would have whipped his piece out in the last couple years and how many additional people would have been killed or paralyzed? These guys are thugs and that is it. Now take a player like his Teammate Eli Manning. He is the kind of guy who would be accept the responsibilities of conceal and carry. But guess what, he doesn’t need it. Why, well he isn’t out at nightclubs all night long. He is at home with his wife. He isn’t out looking for trouble. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be allowed to go out but maybe if Plaxico was home with his wife he wouldn’t be in this situation. Of course that might lead to another domestic abuse arrest for him.

    Posts: 2627

    After going through the CC class the one thing you get out of it is that you never ever want to pull a weapon unless it is the last resort. One of the main parts of the classes is to stress the legal ramifications of carrying a concealed weapon. Anyone who thinks a CC class is to teach quick draw moves is way off base. The training is mostly about when you have the legal right to use a weapon and what the legal ramifications are if you do.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I may be ignorant, but my guess is in a C&C class they don’t recommend that you go into a night club in NY City at 1 AM carrying your piece, flaunting thousands of dollars in your pocket and several thousands of dollars of bling on your person. Its probably a better idea to rent a boat on Minnetonka with all your team mates and invite some ladies.

    Posts: 40

    Some Players just attract trouble.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    The newest in news is that teammate Steve Smith was robbed at gunpoint at 4am a week or so before this incident. It’s believed that’s part of the reason Burress was strapped with a piece Friday night.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Leno had a good one last night.

    Q: what’s the difference between Plaxico and a toy from China?

    A: The toy has less lead in it.

    Posts: 6

    Makes me wonder why you can’t fix stupid!

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